Well-Known Member
Ya man!!! I emailed planetvape today just to ask them if tomorrow was still the anticipated shipping date. They said everything is running on schedule 

I like this setup. Looks like it does a nice job of collecting oil.
I like this setup. Looks like it does a nice job of collecting oil.
I don't really like reclaim
no, it wouldn't be glass, it's a little screen though, he said its sized so it lands at a specific spot in the chamber so the spacing is right. I believe all the parts are stainless steel
The Adapt-A-Bong Kit in 14mm should work without the 14m to 14f 45 deg. adapter, atomizer tube does not look like it will clear the bend of the adapter. You can use the Adapt-A-Bong Kit in a 45 degree downstem without issue as long as you have 50mm of room for the atomizer tube below the bottom of your ground joint.Christ I was on PLanet Vape checking out all the options. Its a little overwhelming. Wish those good folks had pictures up some people dont know FC exists(I know I did't till I got on the GC forums)
Also, I have a 45 degree shaped bong the SC I was wondering if the adapt a bong kit would work with this.
Also, I noticed that during most of the videos . The adapt a bong kit is put right into the bong w/o a downstem.
The way mine is set up is it has a 18mm opening. Then then downstem which has 10 laser etched holes and turns it into a 14mm connection. I'm thinking of keeping the downstem and ordering a 14mm adapt a bong kit. Do you guys think that would work?
Early prototypes used the braided steel line for ease of assembly during prototyping, production units use a solid stainless tube for durability, safety and consistency.Sublimator launch tomorrow, Y'all!!
In some of these pictures, you see a braided cord attached to the Apollo. It is now a solid tube, as shown here.
Quick update on shipping. Our order was scheduled to ship out today from Sublimator headquarters overnight priority, but packaging and labelling all the units took a little longer than anticipated pushing the shipping till tomorrow. We should receive the Sublimators Wednesday and depending on the time of day hope to ship same day.Ya man!!! I emailed planetvape today just to ask them if tomorrow was still the anticipated shipping date. They said everything is running on schedule![]()
You can use the Vapor Brothers Mini bubbler without issue as long as you have 50mm of room for the atomizer tube below the bottom of your ground joint. See image above.Anyone know if the 14mm Adapt-A-Bong will work with the Vapor Brothers Mini bubbler? The Mini has a 14mm dewar fitting, but the bubbler is small so I'm hoping the Sublimator doesn't bottom out and cause a problem.
Yes you can use a dry ash catcher or a purpose made reclaimer like these like if you want to reclaim using the adaptabong kit you can use a dry ashcatcher before you water pipe to catch the reclaim.
I don't really like reclaim, so I will probably just the oil filter straight into my water and just clean the water pipe out more regularly.
It is a stainless screen that Enrico likes to use that falls out when the bowl is emptied. Production units use a semi permanent screen that won't fall out when emptied, but can be removed / replaced if required.What is that little disc that Enrico puts in before the bud?
A screen?
why is that? i assume the cannabinoids in that oil are not the ones you want/need? What's missing?
Are you talking about the one in the picture?I like the look of that glass reclaimer.
Are you talking about the one in the picture?
Very nice!
Although I think the packaging looks awesome, I hope they will ship in a bit more discrete wrapper>![]()
If I have a 18mm Apollo and glass piece, what would I need to use the Grav labs reclaimer?
If I have a 18mm Apollo and glass piece, what would I need to use the Grav labs reclaimer?
A male 18mm to female 14mm reducer and a female 14mm to female 18mm adapter?