Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

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Apologies as this question might have been discussed, but I'm curious and didn't find the answer using the search feature. What are we supposing the (longterm) life on these lithium ion batteries will be like? Can anyone chime in on this or link me?
They said it should be somewhere around 3 hours long. Which is great!

By the way guys, there are two more videos now on youtube where you can see the ascent in person (without a drunk person recording it *haha). One of which we see it in use with oil, and see some cool features of the ascent. Another with a representative speaking about the ascent. Just search ascent in youtube.

Hope we can see for ourselves soon!


And shepherds we shall be,for Accuracy & Discovery
Apologies as this question might have been discussed, but I'm curious and didn't find the answer using the search feature. What are we supposing the (longterm) life on these lithium ion batteries will be like? Can anyone chime in on this or link me?

Why thank you for bothering to do a search and/or read a thread before positing a question.

We don't yet know exactly which batteries are being used. So far we only have speculation as to the exact units without confirmation. {see the wiki}

But that being said: *ROUGHLY* a charge cycle life span is 200-300. *ROUGHLY* as there are many factors that affect longevity. But SOP in product design is approx 2-3 years of prime usability. This is for any product. (laptop/cell phone/whatever)

So we can project from industry standards, and note that the existing DaVinci, although only a year old, is still going strong (outside of defects and other non-norms that would mandate early replacement).


My friends call me "Menz"
By the way guys, there are two more videos now on youtube where you can see the ascent in person (without a drunk person recording it *haha). One of which we see it in use with oil, and see some cool features of the ascent. Another with a representative speaking about the ascent. Just search ascent in youtube.

got any links???? i searched and could not find anything new


My friends call me "Menz"
So how do I find out what number I am? Is it on the email somewhere?

i am not sure how people are getting their numbers. i very nicely placed a call to their CS and spoke to a very pleasant rep who was scared i was going to be one of the hundreds of calls from angry customers/potential customers over the delay. i assured her i was not and the delay was unfortunate but i understood. i then asked her to see if i could find out my number on the list and she politely told me she did not have that info available to her. i did not want to get her upset and make things worse by saying "well others on the board got theirs....i want mine" so i said thanks and hung up

so how people are getting this info... i do not know (B.T.W..... i sent a polite email asking as well and that went unanswered)

***EDIT*** just got an email from them... it did not give me an exact number but said i was in the "400's".... here's to hoping i am low enough


Well-Known Member
Why thank you for bothering to do a search and/or read a thread before positing a question.

We don't yet know exactly which batteries are being used. So far we only have speculation as to the exact units without confirmation. {see the wiki}

But that being said: *ROUGHLY* a charge cycle life span is 200-300. *ROUGHLY* as there are many factors that affect longevity. But SOP in product design is approx 2-3 years of prime usability. This is for any product. (laptop/cell phone/whatever)

So we can project from industry standards, and note that the existing DaVinci, although only a year old, is still going strong (outside of defects and other non-norms that would mandate early replacement).

Thanks --- good to know. On the wiki it says they originally wanted them to be removable batteries but they had to change it due to legal reasons. What kind of laws would prevent them from designing it with removable batteries? Weird.

But anyway, this looks to be a great vaporizer even with a 2-3 year prime usability. I might just hop aboard with everyone and buy one too. Although at this point they're probably so backordered I'll just wait until they come out and people start posting their experiences in this thread. I'm a huge fan of all glass air pathways, so for the portability and seeming quality this offers it seems worth it. I'm glad I have paid little attention to the vape industry lately, so this little guy could sneak up on me without me having to feel like I'm waiting forever for it.

Good luck to all salivating over your orders! I hope you all get them soon and their first shipment has plenty for everyone. :D
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Well-Known Member
Thanks --- good to know. On the wiki it says they originally wanted them to be removable batteries but they had to change it due to legal reasons. What kind of laws would prevent them from designing it with removable batteries? Weird.

There is no such law (from what I know). The main reason for locking up any device to some degree is probably that it means less costs for Davinci in the long run, because there are too many idiots out there that will try to take their Ascent apart, break something and then still claim warranty.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
There is no such law (from what I know). The main reason for locking up any device to some degree is probably that it means less costs for Davinci in the long run, because there are too many idiots out there that will try to take their Ascent apart, break something and then still claim warranty.

It could also be legally bound in relation to disposing the battery.

They grabbed the picture of the box from one of our distributors websites and then dropped in a photoshop pic from our site. Note- we've changed the box, this was a prototype from forever ago. VapoVape is not an authorized reseller, nor will they be. Funny to see how much drama they are stirring up...people on our FB are going kinda nuts over it. I bought one to see what would happen and my order was canceled lol.

I know it's a huge controversial issue, but once these ebay guys get their hands on a product, it kills retail sales as these guys have absolutely no overhead. Shops don't want to carry it because they can't make margins. No retail sales = no vaporizer business for us. Hardest part of this business to manage to be honest...everyone struggles with it.

On that note...all authorized retailers will have a unique number and authorized reseller badge on their site.

I will be getting mine directly from you sir! You support us here on FC and we should all do our best to support you. People end up making decisions based on their need to have it NOW! I understand as I am the same way. We all should take a step back before buying and make sure we support Davinci. We want them around for a long time, if this new little fucker hits as hard as the DV with a cleaner taste than this is going to be incredible.

I look forward to ascending to cloud city soon, good luck on the launch. :tup:

mod note: Please avoid back-to-back posts, use Edit instead. Two posts merged.


Well-Known Member
How about a few of us, not in the haiku contest, volunteer as a jury to trim the choice down to let's say 10 entries for DaVinci to choose from?


And shepherds we shall be,for Accuracy & Discovery
On the wiki it says they originally wanted them to be removable batteries but they had to change it due to legal reasons.

There is no such law (from what I know).

Didn't say it was a law. "legal reasons" != "a law"

The rep said it was for insurance and liability reasons. I've updated the wiki to reflect this clarification.

we have been advised against it at this time due to insurance and product liability reasons. .... I realize that other mfg have removable batteries, but the it comes in the box, will not.

The running speculation is that they didn't go from replaceable to "locked down like Fort Knox", and that the batteries are most likely fairly accessable, but cannot be advertised/sold as such due to inceased liability and insurance costs.

Once the unit is in our hands this can be confirmed or denied.


Well-Known Member
How hard would it be to do this:


(pinnacle hydrotube)



You'd have to make some kind of adaptor. There's probably no simple way to make an adaptor piece, right? Better to wait for what they're working on? Might take a while for them to finally make that GonG attachment.


Well-Known Member
I don't know the diameter of the pinnacle hydrotube -- I actually just discovered it. Will look for the answer and edit this post. (edit -- 14mm)

We would still need measurement info from the Ascent as well.

Is the Da Vinci adaptor test over? What resulted? (haven't been to these forums in a while heheh)


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Just from looks it seems like the ascent glass is about the same as the solo stem if so no issue at all. I would imagine that DV knows what is on the market and would try to keep things easy if possible. If it is smaller a piece of silicone on the outside of the stem will work easily or a reducer. Only time will tell.
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