Hrm, that's worrying. It appears those particular nails aren't American after all. I never questioned it since they're the right colour for Ti, and while they are heavy, I put it down to the massive thickness. On investigation, mine is mildly magnetic (will just barely hold a rare earth magnet) so contains at least
some iron, so is also definitely not a non-alloyed Ti, if there's Ti in it at all. I'll see what colour sparks it strikes on the grinder tomorrow and check.
The original point stands, though, in that a (REAL) Ti nail is a healthier option. I guess you gotta go Dab Essentials or InfiniTi after all, but they seem a bit enthusiastically-priced compared to cost of materials.
High, how r u? Awesome idea. What produces the heat that gets exchanged? I fantasize frequently about a smaller solo with cloud power.
Generally a resistor of some sort, same as with a ceramic heater, though you have the option of using a Ti coil directly as your resistor/heater/exchanger instead of pressing an external heater against the outside of the Ti exchanger. Or you could get fancy and run an induction coil directly around a Ti heat exchanger inside a glass tube. You'd have to deal with thermal expansion, though, but shouldn't be too big a deal to contrive something.
Remember Ti is just better at passing on heat, and can hold more of it. You still need the wattage to
produce the required heat in the first place, so with modern battery tech the only way a Solo could work like a Cloud is if it's only good for like one hit or so. Could probably rig something you heat with a torch, though, that'd have the right heat capacity; blaze the outside of the exchanger block then suck air through the finned channel/s inside. Not as cool as an electronic system with sensors that alters heater power with draw speed, though, but as a portable option it offers lightness and compactness. Something like a Lotus made of pure Ti, for example. Or better still a Lotus with a GonG (TonG?) end.