hi everyone! im the acolyte of zingon! im not exactly a new user, but i think it would be good for some of the core members to post intros and stuff so that new members can get to know us better
anyway, im 18, live in california, and im really awesome
i first started smoking cannabis a couple weeks after my 17th birthday, i was invited to smoke by a friend from church some time before, but i didnt want to get into something like drugs before i knew what i was doing, so i spent a couple months reading erowid, wikipedia, and various drug forums and came to the conclusion that i had been lied to by the schools and the government (actually those are really only one entity

so i accepted the offer like 4 moths later, and went over to his house after church (my parents force me to go to church as long as i live with them... im still a christian but by my own definitions, im a gnostic christian) and he had hash.
needless to say... i smoked hash for my introduction to weed and i tripped the fuck out, it was awesome even though i acted like a total spaz

after that, i traded a bottle of vicodin (worthless to me) for an eigth of the best fucking bud i have ever had. im pretty sure this bud was from a medical marijuana dispensary... it ruined me or anything else, the two times ive bought weed since then were never completely satisfactory to me
which brings me to the next chapter of my story, just after 4/20, my parents found my stash

i convinced them that i was using it medicinally, (mostly true) for my depression and anxiety issues (i have type 2 bipolar disorder and social anxiety) i promised them then that i wouldnt smoke until i actually got my med card for it (and i havent so far)
i have found that cannabis works much better for all my issues than any of the pharmaceuticals i was given, an had none of the side effects
i had been given ritalin at 6, then antidepressants at the age of 8. something i dont think ill ever fully forgive my parents for doing. they basically put me on addictive drugs to make me more manageable, i was a little kid, and i had no idea what i was doing other than i was told the pills would make me better.... fuck... i dont even remember feeling bad, i dont remember any depression symptoms from before i was put on the ssris...
anyway, with that rant out of the way, in may, after nearly 10 years, and countless attempts, i had finally gotten off the shitty and addictive ssris, i went through a full month of withdrawls (hellish) then for another month i had absolutely no libido... but i could finally
feel again.
believe me... antidepressants dont cure depression, all they do is they flatten out all emotions, so that you dont feel depressed, but good emotions are dampered as well... this had caused me lots of trouble while i was growing up, and it stifled my emotional development
anyway, here i am now, i still dont have a vape, but i think ive proven that you dont need one to contribute to the community
im a very well read preson, i study things obsessively and and compulsively plan things that im looking forward to
that being said, sometime in november to early december im getting my card, and ill be getting a vaporstar as well, and ill start growing my own medicine, you gotta love self reliance!
while i still ride an emotional rollercoaster with my bipolar disorder, ive learned to deal with it for the most part, strong episodes will still set me off my equilibrium, but i know it will get better when i finally get my card