Damina is supposed to somewhat synergize with weed, i still want to try this one. Chamomile has some notocable mild relaxing effects. White sage tastes like body odor and didn't have any effects.
I really want to try blue lotus stamens
Hey. There are several studies which have tested how the chemicals in Sage (species of
Saliva) affect us. Some have indicated varieties of Sage are beneficial for one's cognitive abilities. The chemicals in Salvia officinalis, S. lavandulaefolia and S. miltiorrhiza are the most concentrated and the most well studied for their effects on our cognitive processes.
HOW MUCH TO TAKE? In one study the participants consumed a pill of Sage extract (**) across 6 weeks and consume a single dose of between 160-3300-mg of per week. From a total of 6 doses, the results for the Sage pill group showed decent increased cognitive abilities within session as well as slightly improving these over time at each testing session. The amount of 333-mg was reliably found to be all that is required to achieve these improvements.
(**) I'm assuming people visiting this forum would use leaf; I wouldn't know how much these extracted-mg measurements equate to in leaf form, because the former takes processing to become more potent per unit (liquid solvents dissolve the chemicals in Sage into a liquid, which is freeze dried into flakes for the pills).
I reckon that vaporizing is a much easier and faster way to dissolve the chemicals into your system...and maybe just as potent as pill extract

To vaporize Sage, set the temperature at 190-C / 374-F / or #6 on a volcano vaporizer.
So give it a go yourself and see if you feel any different - especially if you feel that budd decreases your cognitive functions!