Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

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Active Member
I'm confused as to when all of you who have pre-ordered the Cera are expecting to receive them?

God only know's...maybe 2013 (Edit - 2014) by the way this is going....I would check out the other new portables around before putting your C/C details in for this.


Active Member
Also I would be really unimpressed if I preordered. Promised before Christmas, and now its Jan 3rd and they haven't even shipped yet.

I am for sure...not only with the shipping delay but also the lack of updates from TET, prior to the 10th of December they had a strong presence here but since then it has been an occasional update here and there.
Some of the pre-order customers have had e-mail's from TET and some have not...god knows why, surely you would e-mail every one of you pre-order customers with an update at the same time ?
If you ask me that's quite poor.

I know we have the other thread for whinging but I was merely replying to the copy & pasted post.


I agree with mollee on the video. His first hit was 20 seconds, and the next few hits are between 30 and 40 seconds. Insane. To me, 10 seconds is a long hit on most vapes. After a 10 second hit, I barely have enough volume left to clear a medium sized waterpipe, so anything more is wasted.

i don't believe Noah was using a normal inhale for 20-30 seconds. i would think that its a very slow draw and thats why it takes so long. but it will only take that long if you need monster sized rips like he was pulling. if your good with 1/2 of that then youll be pulling for 1/2 as long.

even at half the size those pulls would be mighty stout.
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Hey there . Is anyone from Australia or another country with a 220 volt power supply? If so how do you plan on getting this to work as the charger is 120 volts. I'm considering power converters but am unsure how many watts it needs to be. Cheers

Why not just by a charger in Aus ?


Well-Known Member
Pre Orders are not for everyone.

For everyone that is complaining about the wait why not make the ones with patience happy by canceling your order so they may move up on the list.

I personally choose not to give my money up to be played with unless I get something in return. The second that button says "Buy" I will be ordering.


Previously Known as 'ThermoCoreTim'
Hey all,

Just wanted to give an update on Cera's.

We got a bunch more parts in, some of which were slightly different than we were planning for but we found a way to make it all work without having to get a new batch.... AGAIN....

Im in teacher mode recently teaching the production crew how to assemble some of the more complicated assemblies. It's exciting to see everyone out on the production floor instead of in their offices! Maybe one day ill be able to have a relaxing day here... maybe... ;)

Ive been using a few of the 2250 batteries and they are some BEASTS!!!! they really give the Cera a nice little punch and a very quick warm-up time, should give a short learning curve for those new to convection vaporization.

Otherwise all is well at the shop, we are just trying to get everything together as quickly as possible. I cant wait to be back at a normal grind!!!!



Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Just wanted to give an update on Cera's.

We got a bunch more parts in, some of which were slightly different than we were planning for but we found a way to make it all work without having to get a new batch.... AGAIN....

Ive been using a few of the 2250 batteries and they are some BEASTS!!!!
Thanks for the update! I've been on the fence about pre-ordering but hopefully they get moving soon.
I'm curious though, what exactly is different that needs to be made to work? Is the design actually different or something less important? I would hate to be an early adopter and not get the quality product you want to release.

As for the 2250 batteries, what type exactly? A 2250 search only brings me to an 18650 with 2250mah so I'm assuming that's what you meant.

P.S. Messaged you guys on Facebook, but the Twitter link on your contact page for the website goes to www.twitter/thermovape so it isn't complete and doesn't resolve on it's own.

Thank you again for your amazing products! Time to warm up my T1 in anticipation!


Well-Known Member
So are the Ceras consisting of a bunch of different things now than originally planned? Hope it hasn't decreased anything performance wise. I would hope that wouldn't happen right?

Let us see how beastly those 2500s are! You've gotten enough Cera action for a while Tim, why don't you pass it down the line ;)

Just send a few out... Preferably mine :D


Active Member
I'm curious though, what exactly is different that needs to be made to work? Is the design actually different or something less important?

Me too, I find Tim's statement of..."We got a bunch more parts in, some of which were slightly different than we were planning for but we found a way to make it all work without having to get a new batch.... AGAIN.... " quite worrying.
It kinda sounds like a bodge job going on, just to start getting these things out...and stop me and a few others whinging.

I've shelled out the cash...or rather the Mrs has shelled out the cash as this was supposed to be a Christmas present, and TET is receiving the interest on it...although small, they are still receiving it.
I've done the waiting and now it's sounding like I'm going to be getting a bodged up $250+ vape shipped out after all the hastle of waiting etc.

I may just do as a poster above mentioned and cancel my order and get the cash back and spend it on another vape...as I get fed up being spoon fed B.S.
I knew that this was for a pre-order product and the date could be changed, but going on information that was made public by Noah etc, I felt fairly secure that things would start moving on the 10th of December.
Admittedly mother nature cannot be controlled and can strike at any time without warning and parts suppliers can let you down when you least need it but Tbh, TET if I knew I was going to have to endure this long a wait and listen to all your BS excuses I would never have ordered in the first place.
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Medical Mark

Well-Known Member
Hey Tim just a thought when you say some parts were different then expected but we made it work. What's that mean exactly ? I'm along for a Cera that is supposed to fit together seamlessly maybe ten pieces to make a Cera a 2 piece mouth piece, cart, heating core, body, switch housing , on/off switch, safety toggle.? It sounds like your just making it work? I'd like to know what is being modified or altered charged so the parts that were not what they were supposed to be fit ? I'm paying for a original right not a original that is now altered cause of wrong parts am I?.
I was told that early next week they could start being sent out, but will the preorder be different then the later models cause of the parts screw up using different parts and making them work?
I'm wondering if this quick fix using different parts will effect my Cera's performance or its appearance in anyway?
Maybe with all the delays things should be explained a little better to the preorder consumer after all it isn't much of a preorder anymore when all of us who preodered get our Cera's the general public will be right with us buying it at the same time with no problems with parts , time, and deadlines.
I was so thinking that a preorder meant you get a product before the general public does as a special promo and then after a period of time the product goes on sale for everyone.
Am I right maybe I totally missed the whole concept of a preorder ? Either way I hope this quick fix doesn't compromise the Preoder Cera compared to the Cera's with the proper parts.
Please give me some clarification so I can have some peace of mind , believe in this product but. Also deserve a explanation considering I preodered and paid for this product, this is fair I believe.
Thank you Tim, Noah, Zeke, Jennifer, Carlos for your quick response.


Active Member
Hey Tim just a thought when you say some parts were different then expected but we made it work. What's that mean exactly ? I'm along for a Cera that is supposed to fit together seamlessly maybe ten pieces to make a Cera a 2 piece mouth piece, cart, heating core, body, switch housing , on/off switch, safety toggle.? It sounds like your just making it work? I'd like to know what is being modified or altered charged so the parts that were not what they were supposed to be fit ? I'm paying for a original right not a original that is now altered cause of wrong parts am I?.
I was told that early next week they could start being sent out, but will the preorder be different then the later models cause of the parts screw up using different parts and making them work?
I'm wondering if this quick fix using different parts will effect my Cera's performance or its appearance in anyway?
Maybe with all the delays things should be explained a little better to the preorder consumer after all it isn't much of a preorder anymore when all of us who preodered get our Cera's the general public will be right with us buying it at the same time with no problems with parts , time, and deadlines.
I was so thinking that a preorder meant you get a product before the general public does as a special promo and then after a period of time the product goes on sale for everyone.
Am I right maybe I totally missed the whole concept of a preorder ? Either way I hope this quick fix doesn't compromise the Preoder Cera compared to the Cera's with the proper parts.
Please give me some clarification so I can have some peace of mind , believe in this product but. Also deserve a explanation considering I preodered and paid for this product, this is fair I believe.
Thank you Tim, Noah, Zeke, Jennifer, Carlos for your quick response.

I completely agree Mark and I for one will be cancelling my order with TET tonight unless we get explanations and guarantees, and I'll take my business elsewhere as I ain't waiting no longer for a bodged up $250+ vape that is not exactly what I thought I was paying for.

fake name

Well-Known Member
Different parts do not mean different performance, necessarily. It could be something was the wrong size and they have to alter it at the shop. I think he was just saying it is taking a while because of a slight screw up from one of the companies they do bussiness with.

The thing is, if it was -some- other vape companies, they wouldn't mention a difference in parts, they would just buy what was available at the best price in stead of holding out for the best possible materials. I take this as saying that they won't compromise on materials, otherwise the delay wouldn't have been this long to begin with. They are using slightly 'different' parts made from company they trust rather than order what they 'need' from a company that will send out something of the correct dimensions but made of compromised materials.

I could be very wrong, but if they were doing something shady, why would they mention it at all?

Medical Mark

Well-Known Member
What did they change?
OF do you know what has been compromised, what parts are different and are being made to work even though there not fitting right ? This worries me a bit I don't want parts made to fit cause of a parts screw up if its made to work it means its not meant to be there and there fore is not original to the schematic plans and we get a product that is again altered,compromised, slapped together, rigged to work a good enough product for those who preorder? $400 dollars of my money is what your playing with I want a product that isn't just put together with parts that make it worked like a explanation we all deserve a explanation.
I'm not trying to be a prick I just want some communication concerning my purchase of $400.
Sorry I have to say something.
Medical Mark,
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Well-Known Member
All tet is guilty of at this point is poor choice of words in an update to an already uneasy crowd. lets not rush to judgement that quick. based on their commitment to quality in past products, (there are plenty of non biased reviews that support this) im guessing that its not that big a deal.

if its something that wont be present in future models i would expect that they do some sort of thing where u can send it in for a swap like the battery situation.


Active Member
Different parts do not mean different performance, necessarily. It could be something was the wrong size and they have to alter it at the shop. I think he was just saying it is taking a while because of a slight screw up from one of the companies they do bussiness with.

The thing is, if it was -some- other vape companies, they wouldn't mention a difference in parts, they would just buy what was available at the best price in stead of holding out for the best possible materials. I take this as saying that they won't compromise on materials, otherwise the delay wouldn't have been this long to begin with. They are using slightly 'different' parts made from company they trust rather than order what they 'need' from a company that will send out something of the correct dimensions but made of compromised materials.

I could be very wrong, but if they were doing something shady, why would they mention it at all?

That may be true but it's Tim's comment of...."but we found a way to make it all work"...I find quite worrying...."alarm bells ringing...Bodge Job, to get things moving".

TET, it would be great to have an explanation of whats going on before I start the cancelation process.


Well-Known Member
All tet is guilty of at this point is poor choice of words in an update to an already uneasy crowd. lets not rush to judgement that quick. based on their commitment to quality in past products, (there are plenty of non biased reviews that support this) im guessing that its not that big a deal.

if its something that wont be present in future models i would expect that they do some sort of thing where u can send it in for a swap like the battery situation.

I agree with what you said completely...except swaps don't work so well for those of us not in the USA...by the time we pay for shipping back to TET, we lose any value of an upgrade.


Previously Known as 'ThermoCoreTim'
Hey Tim just a thought when you say some parts were different then expected but we made it work. What's that mean exactly ? I'm along for a Cera that is supposed to fit together seamlessly maybe ten pieces to make a Cera a 2 piece mouth piece, cart, heating core, body, switch housing , on/off switch, safety toggle.? It sounds like your just making it work? I'd like to know what is being modified or altered charged so the parts that were not what they were supposed to be fit ? I'm paying for a original right not a original that is now altered cause of wrong parts am I?.
I was told that early next week they could start being sent out, but will the preorder be different then the later models cause of the parts screw up using different parts and making them work?
I'm wondering if this quick fix using different parts will effect my Cera's performance or its appearance in anyway?
Maybe with all the delays things should be explained a little better to the preorder consumer after all it isn't much of a preorder anymore when all of us who preodered get our Cera's the general public will be right with us buying it at the same time with no problems with parts , time, and deadlines.
I was so thinking that a preorder meant you get a product before the general public does as a special promo and then after a period of time the product goes on sale for everyone.
Am I right maybe I totally missed the whole concept of a preorder ? Either way I hope this quick fix doesn't compromise the Preoder Cera compared to the Cera's with the proper parts.
Please give me some clarification so I can have some peace of mind , believe in this product but. Also deserve a explanation considering I preodered and paid for this product, this is fair I believe.
Thank you Tim, Noah, Zeke, Jennifer, Carlos for your quick response.

No one has anything to worry about with the fix, its actually an improvement and will give more options for switches in the future.

Any and every change we make to Cera through the pre-sale are going to be improvements to the device. No compromises!
That may be true but it's Tim's comment of...."but we found a way to make it all work"...I find quite worrying...."alarm bells ringing...Bodge Job, to get things moving".

TET, it would be great to have an explanation of whats going on before I start the cancelation process.
Any changes to the Cera are only treated as an improvement, we will not push them out just to get them out. We want every single Cera to be the best we can build with the best possible materials and parts.

we probably could have got them out earlier if we wanted to sacrifice quality... But that is something that we just WONT DO!



Active Member
if its something that wont be present in future models i would expect that they do some sort of thing where u can send it in for a swap like the battery situation.

It's not too bad if your in the U.S doing that, but I'm in the U.K....I would have the wait of TET despatching...then air-freight cargo...then U.K customs....this all takes time, which at first is o.k....then I would need to clean it up to send it back to the U.S for the swap....take it to the post office, which is more hastle....pay more for shipping back to TET....then I have to endure the re-shipping from the U.S all over again....sorry, but no thanks.
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Medical Mark

Well-Known Member
Ya I'm not upset really but it does leave you in the dark second guess the update but it does worry me kinda just want a ine of commication if there are issues design changes, function changes , anything that changes on the product they've introduced us too and sold us should be disclosed to us since we are buying what has been described and shown to us as consumers and if things to this product should be changed altered performance ect it should be emailed to us so we the consumer can determined if he wants to continue with a product which has changed since it was purchased in the preorder sales pitch.
If you order a Porsche 911 turbo and they change it to a 645 4 cylinder and don't tell you wouldn't u feel misinformed well I don't want to be mislead or misinformed I want to know what I'm buying especially when it comes to my medical condition and my lively hood and feeling better with a limited income and purchasing a product to benefit my well being ya st important to know if the product has been changed in anyway before its shipped out.?
Maybe I'm went but its a health issue and a financial issue for me.
Medical Mark,
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Active Member
No one has anything to worry about with the fix, its actually an improvement and will give more options for switches in the future.

Any and every change we make to Cera through the pre-sale are going to be improvements to the device. No compromises!


So in what way is the device improved Tim, as I thought it was already hyped to be the best it could be pretty much ?
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