Adding D-limonene to bho/honeycomb wax


I want to be extremely clear, my intention is not to cut, alter,destroy, or otherwise lower.skimp on quality, but rather improve it overall for honeycomb waxes and other bho.

I was at a dispensary in San Francisco the other day.

I got to talking with one of the budtenders and ended up giving him a little of my Barry White honeycomb i had made, Right off the bat, he was quite impressed with the stability and form of the product. We began to discuss tek/how-to.

I ended up giving him a gram of my stuff to try out and he gives me a dab or two of his that he had on him.

it was really good, but I couldnt get the suspicion out of my head, that something was added to flavor or otherwise enhance.

Thats what got me looking at and around PureGold ingredients and noticed they ADD d-limonene (A naturally occuring terpene, also naturally occuring in marijuana, oranges, etc) to increase smokability and even effect.

I thought about adding the equivalent of 5% D-limonene by weight/mass to my pyrex with oil/spray combo, and then proceeding to vac purge and and finish product as normal,

I was thinking of adding the limonene into the butane/oil mix thinking that it would be best/easiest to mix, adding d-limonene at any other time (either in the tube, or mixed into any later stage of purging, may cause swirls.

Again, i am only thinking out loud, I have always been firm on 100% natural, no additives, but this d-limonene has been a curiousity of mine.

any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
hmm this might be interesting...have been experimenting with making absolutes, redissolving my BHO in alcohol to clean out the waxes. Have made a large run with some commercial grade herbs, it is great in effect, yet it lacks flavour, wich is not a surprise seeing the starting material was not that tasty.

Now this adding of d-llimonene might be a good thing in this respect? Hope someone can shime in to shed a light on this. I am also all for purity, and seeing how I am working now, nor time nor effort is too much to ask:)so if I can find another step to add to my process that might enhance the flavour in a natural way then I might be al for it...


You might want to check this out. Very similar discussion:

I purchased a gallon of the food grade d-limonene a month ago and have been experimenting with it, but I haven't used it as part of my BHO tech.

THanks, I saw that topic, but i specifically wanted to make one more towards adding d-limonene to a bho tek before, during or after process and start some conversation.

I did not want to hijack another thread that seemed to have its focus more on "cleaning reclaim using d-limonene"

I would love to hear your results, i am thinking of trying a run or two depending on how the first one goes myself, probably try the first method i stated above and then try a post mix variation.

hmm this might be interesting...have been experimenting with making absolutes, redissolving my BHO in alcohol to clean out the waxes. Have made a large run with some commercial grade herbs, it is great in effect, yet it lacks flavour, wich is not a surprise seeing the starting material was not that tasty.

Now this adding of d-llimonene might be a good thing in this respect? Hope someone can shime in to shed a light on this. I am also all for purity, and seeing how I am working now, nor time nor effort is too much to ask:)so if I can find another step to add to my process that might enhance the flavour in a natural way then I might be al for it...

I would also love to learn more about this process overall and what can be done or avoided to enhance naturally, safely.


I'm experimenting with using d-limonine for a variety of different things, but I have not tried using it as part of a BHO tech.

The reason I haven't used it, is that I can't figure out how to purge it from the oil. the boiling point of d-limonine is higher than that of THC so heat purging is out ... maybe a centrifuge? Not sure it's worth the effort.


Well-Known Member
Instead....... A while back I saw a video on YouTube of a dude demonstrating the extraction of d-limonine from an orange peel using dry ice, water, and a small centrifugal tube. Could u substitute the orange peel with herbs? Seemed like a fun experiment???


Well-Known Member
I guess you should not purge it out again...I mean what would be the point if you are going to pull it back out? I think the trick will be to find the right 'dosage'...

and yes, i guess in the set-up mentioned above one could substitute the orange with the herb...would be same as making ice-o-lator no?


Well-Known Member
I guess you should not purge it out again...I mean what would be the point if you are going to pull it back out? I think the trick will be to find the right 'dosage'...

and yes, i guess in the set-up mentioned above one could substitute the orange with the herb...would be same as making ice-o-lator no?
No! Way different. Check this to get an idea... Found the YouTube video of it.


I'm experimenting with using d-limonine for a variety of different things, but I have not tried using it as part of a BHO tech.

The reason I haven't used it, is that I can't figure out how to purge it from the oil. the boiling point of d-limonine is higher than that of THC so heat purging is out ... maybe a centrifuge? Not sure it's worth the effort.

Im not talking about purging the limonene out, im talking about adding a very specific amount in, and this is not to add weight or cut, only to enhance if possibly, again, only because the most expensive concentrate on the market today PureGold which i hear is about 35-40 a half gram adds the same "ingredient"

No! Way different. Check this to get an idea... Found the YouTube video of it.

Although using centrifuge would be a great way for cold water, filter extractions, centrifuge would not be the most efficient or easy way to increase efficiency/results for a chemical process, rather pressure would make more sense here, but i just do not think adding pressure is necessary in this application.

... so purely adding to bho/honeycomb wax tek as the topic guideline suggests, a discussion from anyone with experience?

pros, cons, goods, bads, overall experiences, or am i about yo boldy go where none has gone before. or this is some super secret special ultra unicorn thing that once i figure it out also, i will change this post and start calling my concentrate PureGOD :p:spliff:


Well-Known Member
hehe, what we mis is someone with experience to come and enlighten us. Seeing it is a natural ingredient of the herb is definately interesting.

Does the puregold ingredients also mention a percentage of d-limonene present?


Well-Known Member
PureGold mentions 5procent d-limonene in it's final product.

Have a bottle of food-grade d-limonene on it's way.

Wondering if I could make some interesting e-juice with d-limonene and some of the alpha-pinene...?


Well-Known Member
So to be clear, you want to ad some d-limonene flavor to your extract? Tetra labs has it at a level of around 5% which I assume (since I have never tried it) to be the one and only taste since every other terpene has been removed. I really don't think in a BHO extract there is any point to add d-limonene that could incorporate it in the process that adds to anything for extraction.

I am sure you have done web searches as well or better then me and found some unsatisfactory results. Just a personal FYI , grey wolf posts are worth every read . There is nothing noteworthy I can report on d-limonene.

Do you feel your extracts need d--limonene added to it to compete with then let's figure out what strains you need to grown so you can stbthinkibking about this.


Technical Skeptical
Instead....... A while back I saw a video on YouTube of a dude demonstrating the extraction of d-limonine from an orange peel using dry ice, water, and a small centrifugal tube. Could u substitute the orange peel with herbs? Seemed like a fun experiment???
While it would work, it would be pretty messy.

You would need to be able to separate the saturated CO2 from the solids by isolation, and when the sticky compounds start to precipitate, you are left with some amount of mess. The reaction vessel would be best if it was the final container itself, otherwise there will be a lot of loss.

This isn't a bad idea guys, just make sure to read all the precautionaries. I'm for it not because it's natural flavoring, but because flavoring is desirable.


Well-Known Member
Hey GR

don't really get your point:shrug: and i have no idea what it adds to the subject at hand...

When you would have read the whole post you would have noticed that the discussion arrose out of the fact that I do not have high quality material to start with (at least not always).

No need to tell me, or any of us, which strains to grow, I think i have a good idea. You can tell me about strains all you want, but over here one is considered lucky if he can get anything, that i, anything at al. I for one am not going to start to be picky then, but I am thinking about how to improve what I can make from it. if adding naturally occuring flavorings to the product is in any way 'wrong' to you, then just stay out of the discussion because it does not add anything of value...

And where did you see us mention the need to compete?

Sorry if I misinterpreted your post, but i cannot but read it as a bit of a like 'I will come and tell you guys how to run your life' attitude and I for one don't like that. Again, what does it add to the question at hand?

Yes I did my 'homework' and to me it seems the jury is still undecided...


PureGold mentions 5procent d-limonene in it's final product.

Have a bottle of food-grade d-limonene on it's way.

Wondering if I could make some interesting e-juice with d-limonene and some of the alpha-pinene...?

yes, i also read the 5% somewhere in regards to PureGold, and i believe it to be an accurate number in regards to final product.

I also have a store locally i can get some d-limonene from but wanted to see some thoughts of others before doing so, but it is looking like i may need to be the pioneer here.

alpha-pinene, any more info on it? i did a quick google search and find that it is also in the terpene family, but seems less natural, i may be wrong.


So to be clear, you want to ad some d-limonene flavor to your extract? Tetra labs has it at a level of around 5% which I assume (since I have never tried it) to be the one and only taste since every other terpene has been removed. I really don't think in a BHO extract there is any point to add d-limonene that could incorporate it in the process that adds to anything for extraction.

Not to add flavor, or weight, sttrictly to make it more bioavailable, naturally enhance/support the natural properties of what we are already trying to accomplish.

like in bodybuilding for example, its funny how many people take protein whey supplements, and although it is a generally accepted as a mandatory supplement, many do not take it right. Protein in our body without a carrier (Carbohydrates, or more specifically glycemic uptake supports protein uptake) just sits as an acid in our stomach and can be toxic at high enough levels, also a simple addition of b-vitamins to the routine helps your body use that protein instead of waste.

So protein powder by itself is not optimized for use or uptake in our bodies, (this is why you see afterworkout protein drinks always add carbs and vitamins) i may be completely off mark but just wanted to discuss as a community how we may make better use of what we've been doing for ages, because of the technology or information available to us today that was just not available long ago.

I am sure you have done web searches as well or better then me and found some unsatisfactory results. Just a personal FYI , grey wolf posts are worth every read . There is nothing noteworthy I can report on d-limonene.

Yes! thank you! I have started dialogue with greywolf, but he is usually on thcfarmer, i just wanted to get this out there to the bigger community to see what kind of responses i would get back.

Do you feel your extracts need d--limonene added to it to compete with then let's figure out what strains you need to grown so you can stbthinkibking about this.

I regularly hear that my concentrates are perferred over most if not all other hobbyist/peer-made, and definitely have compliments from bud tenders in some of the largest most well known collectives in norcal, especially any of my Barry White extracts.

so in short... no, i defintiely not looking for a shortcut, in fact, i am very well expecting/preparing this addition to the tek, to add more time/experience/equipment/care.

I am looking for as much information out there as i can pertaining to the MEDICAL qualities and benefits and how to make them more bioavailable or naturally enhance, support its true function.

BUT, i wouldnt mind hearing what strains are preferable/prized for making concentrates to further my quality.


Well-Known Member
i added a drop of lemon essential oil to a gram of crumbly bho. it soaked up like a sponge.
the next day it was very buttery with a hint of lemon taste in the hit i took.

i tried blending some essential oils for the perfect drop, tangerine, sweet orange, lime, grapefruit and bergamot all work well with lemon. pine needle didn't, even at 1/200 th of a drop was too strong and bitter


i added a drop of lemon essential oil to a gram of crumbly bho. it soaked up like a sponge.
the next day it was very buttery with a hint of lemon taste in the hit i took.

i tried blending some essential oils for the perfect drop, tangerine, sweet orange, lime, grapefruit and bergamot all work well with lemon. pine needle didn't, even at 1/200 th of a drop was too strong and bitter

Great! I was hoping to get feedback like this!

I guess i just have to try it myself and see what the results are.

Will report back in a few days.


Well-Known Member
BUT, i wouldnt mind hearing what strains are preferable/prized for making concentrates to further my quality.

I've been experimenting for years now and have stuck with reserve privadas HEADBAND. Makes bomb ass oils, I started out with bubble bags ( seriously almost as bomb as the BHO ) , but now moved on to vector oils, and electic vac. Grow with advanced nutrients, and your set! Harvest time is a treat for the hood :) I'm thinking about trying your experiment with limonine , but don't think It's the best idea, but dunno yet! I like the flavor as it is , but also love EXPERIMENTING....


Well-Known Member
experimenting is great
have you dissolved your BHO in ethanol (or iso) to winterize and filter?


damn potent after that.
if done right (cold), you don't lose much turps/smell.
Sounds good , Ive been researching this too , ill definetly try it sometime!!!
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