just finished browsing the TET site. I've come away a bit confused.
firstly they claim the cera is "award winning" what award has this cera won? I see NO reference to it whatsoever that this claim is based on fact and if they had actually won an award for it I would think there would be PROOF of it, not just having it in a video.
return policy, and warranty. wow. I can only return it within THREE days completely UNUSED, and they will be inspecting returns thoroughly. that does not build my confidence in this product. If it has lifetime warranty on all but the "heater" why would a mouth piece be listed at 50 dollars? 50, is it not covered by the lifetime warranty? am I missing something here?
why is it listed at 250, when it will not operate without the battery and charger, so a cera is actually 295 not 250. my guess it they want it to "feel" cheaper and a better deal, afterall 250 seems much more appealing than 295. unless this has free shipping one working unit with nothing extra will cost north of 300 dollars.
over 300 dollars and the ONLY way I can get my money back is with a completely unused unit and within 3 days time? WoW, I'm sorry there are things that just don't jive, in my mind. so we can buy this 300 $ plus unit and can only return it if unused?
where is the burning trash can and the bucket of water? cups and plates are cheap I guess and quite relative to its task of vaping. Does it hammer nails and chop wood too?

pure sensationalism , I suppose it may impress some, not me.
not what I would expect from folks that clearly have prior manufacture and marketing knowledge.
one last thing I find it BIZZARE that u can go to their site and can't even buy the thermovape only the cera. If a person did not know about the thermovape they would think the cera is their only product. its as though it never existed. odd.
all valid points to consider.
Hate me if you like, I care not, I'm not here to kiss ass, tip toe and tap dance around people or issues. I am expressing my opinion from my observations, that is all. " I calls 'em like I see's 'em "