I think most people just thought i had an mp3 player or something, its way too damn sleek to be thought of as a smoking device, unlike those all the other vapes, even the nicer ones look suspicious, but the pax is just different..
That is until you put it to your lips and start inhaling
Yeh outside, i don't think you will have a problem. I did this inside a comedy club and had it heat in my pocket and was going to draw when it was green, but already had friends next to me looking over and others smelling something.
waiting to get my inhalater again but so far, I've had better success with my Inhalater honestly. I tried doing the same thing, and it was less noticeable. One thing that attracts everyone to the Pax is the looks, that's for sure, hell that's why I wanted to pick one up! If only that resistance wasn't there I would prolly like it a lot more, but i'm trying to like the pax! Until I get my unit back to do a full review on both pax and inhalater, I guess I'll keep my mouth shut about them both as much as I can until then
IMO the most discrete way to medicate would be with a Portable Oil vaporizer. It just smells different and much much less noticable, especially if you just hold it in. I've used my omicron and HVD omicron in a friday movie release with people to my left and right and it wasn't even noticable.
I actually even asked the people if they smelled anything during the movies and they didn't

So as far as portable flower vapes, the smell is just going to be more noticeable than an oil vape IMO.