Ok I lied, cleaning the mouthpiece is the only time I like to use iso on the Pax. Drop it in a ziploc, add a little iso, shake and swirl for 30s or so, empty, rinse with water and clean with a paper towel, perfect mouthpiece in under a minute.
Now, I think I might have an interesting project/experiment for the mechanically inclined. Since I did my post on how the mouthpiece catch worked, I've been thinking about how to improve it to avoid sticking, and today I did my first try:
Can't see it?
Well, I realized we might not be able to do anything about the ring getting rough or sticky, but we
can do something about increasing the grab on the catch that pulls the ring down. So I used a needle file:
https://www.google.com/search?q=Needle Files&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS492US492&sugexp=chrome,mod=7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
The half-round one specifically, and I filed the notch to look more like the casing on a bullet. The flat side of the file is smooth so keep it at a / kind of angle and use the edge of the file to grind the left ridge only!
This way the little metal hook inside the body has more of an edge to catch onto and can pull down with more force on the little ring which should reduce sticking and give you a better chance if it does get stuck. I cleaned my mouthpiece right after I did this so it will be a while before I can say for sure, but it does feel and sound like a more solid mechanism though. I do have one of the original serial number mouthpieces and it has got sticky in the past so it should be a good test.
Last but not least, if you unexpectedly find yourself in SF (god help you) don't get frustrated; just make your way over to 1256 Mission St. where you'll find SF Patient and Resource center. They have better deals than east bay dispensaries right now with Harborside and Elemental keeping all their strains in the $50-60 an eighth range... and they are have surprisingly cheap pre-rolls, with a buy 5 & get the 6th free deal. Check out this discount on a top shelf strain:
Their personalized rolling paper tempts me to combust... must resist because it's perfectly ground for the Pax!
So five $7 joints plus a free sixth one (they came to about 0.6g each) gives 3.6g of top shelf 20% for $35, not too bad imo... I also picked up some 17% sour flower shake (with decent little buds) for $30 a quarter! Smells kinda like shake but it has a deep purpley hint that tastes spectacular in the Pax

I think it must be a perfect cure or something... thick vape and beautiful abv