For a portable, it's HUGE.
Can you still fit it inside your pocket??
For a portable, it's HUGE.
Only in shorts, and the bottom sticks out noticeably. It would be extremely obvious, it would look like you're carrying a large sex toy of some sort in your pocket.Can you still fit it inside your pocket??
I really dont get why the n02 doesnt get more love, its such an awesome vape!
Anyways, question: My n02 has gotten a lot of use and the oil is building up in the tube, what is your guys method to harvest this? Do you think Iso shake and let evaporate or scrape off would be better (in terms of both ease and potency?)
Would like to see a video of this in action!
Its like they were made for each other!
Its the Incredibowl M420 - I'm working on a vid now - if you look up the Incredibowl on you-tube you'll understand the monster hits this thing makes in accord with a vaporizer.
I have an Incredibowl. I have an NO2. How do I connect them?
Vapir Oxygen Mini (in the NO2 thread!)
I am VERY sorry to have to post this short review and video here in the NO2 area...
I had no choice as EVERY thread on this vaporizer has been closed for further reply for some reason!
Perhaps the moderators could move this post to a Vapir Oxygen Mini thread
I just was given the gift of a Vapir Oxygen Mini.
I think the Mini was given a bad rap because of it's size.
Due to it's small size it is assumed to be a portable, but it is not.
It gets used plugged in, and after using it for 24 hours and a dozen or more sessions, I decided I like this little guy.
It is inexpensive, and lightweight.
There was no unusual odors or flavors.
It has no added parts, it is self contatined.
If you are going to be tied to an outlet anyway, this is a convenient small vape to place near an outlet anyplce, and hang it up by it's convenient hanger.
Bathroom, garage, hallway, next to bed, or in the attic.. this little guy does what it is supposed to.
I am not claiming that I will be giving up any vapes for this one any time soon, but nor will I be giving away my "Mini"!
Just the back cover off
Heater assembly ( heater core and cover ) this one you can see the ( rubber ) melted to the top of the brass , I'll add a close up of this .
See it melted on real nice![]()
Heater core , pulled out of Stainless cover . The white is pipe tape that I used ( no it didnt work , too hot and melted ) .
*****Note the ( rubber ) ring , that is the part that melted , it sits between the heater assembly and the plastic top , its just under the funnel looking part ( from top view ) .
The very white stuff is the pipe tape **didnt work** but under that you can see the original insolation it looks more clear the only place you can see it is at the very edge's .
The electric guts . Them white wires may be getting hot also , they carry the juice to the heater * could * be helping to make the hot electronics smell . Ill do some cover off testing to have a look see .
The heater core .When I first opened it up that clear inso was flaking off , its almost like micro thin layers of glassy something , I dont think its fiberglass because it look to be in strips like if you was to wrap tape around a pipe. This is closer to out of the box state , it had another layer of the clear inso stuff over the wire layer ( the layer that was falling off ) and then a tape type of clear orange stuff over everything to keep it in place .
A mess .
Hey I took my Vapir No2 apart as well and enlarged the holes at the bottom of the brass bowl and then drilled out four new holes in the silver metal bowl (that houses the brass bowl) so that there was improved airflow. I then enlarged the hole in the top housing where the large rubber tube connects, you know the black plastic top, and this baby hits like a champ. I did this because over time my lungs got soar from having to suck really hard (well much harder than on a cigarette) to take an inhale.
Also, my o-ring broke on the top plastic housing and I first replaced it with a rubber o-ring from The Home Depot. But I got afraid that I was inhaling random fillers and that the temps couldn't go too high (above 275 F) for that o-ring as it was specified for kitchen sinks... So I contacted one of my o-ring manufacturers (I work for an Aerospace distributor) and the sales-engineer told me not to use that o-ring as it has terrible fillers and it wasn't safe for the temps to exceed 275 F, so he recommended I purchase FDA approved silicon o-rings, part number AS-019, as the silicon can tolerate up to 400 F!!! and the FDA approval allows for inhalation and contact with skin (though your skin doesn't directly contact this part). So, success! My Vapir No2 is now hitting like a champ and I am confident that it is 100% safe!!![]()
Wow - nice work. Welcome to FC.Hey I took my Vapir No2 apart as well and enlarged the holes at the bottom of the brass bowl and then drilled out four new holes in the silver metal bowl (that houses the brass bowl) so that there was improved airflow. I then enlarged the hole in the top housing where the large rubber tube connects, you know the black plastic top, and this baby hits like a champ. I did this because over time my lungs got soar from having to suck really hard (well much harder than on a cigarette) to take an inhale.
Also, my o-ring broke on the top plastic housing and I first replaced it with a rubber o-ring from The Home Depot. But I got afraid that I was inhaling random fillers and that the temps couldn't go too high (above 275 F) for that o-ring as it was specified for kitchen sinks... So I contacted one of my o-ring manufacturers (I work for an Aerospace distributor) and the sales-engineer told me not to use that o-ring as it has terrible fillers and it wasn't safe for the temps to exceed 275 F, so he recommended I purchase FDA approved silicon o-rings, part number AS-019, as the silicon can tolerate up to 400 F!!! and the FDA approval allows for inhalation and contact with skin (though your skin doesn't directly contact this part). So, success! My Vapir No2 is now hitting like a champ and I am confident that it is 100% safe!!![]()