Hello guys, I've been lurking this forum for years now. So I've got to do a little presentation :
I've bought the volcano like 4 years ago and I'm very happy with it, using it everyday.
Such a good investment, I calculated how much this device cost me per day, all consumables included (exept the herbs

) and with a second solid valve set > less that 40 euro cents. Nearly nothing.
People who says it's expensive are such morons, they just don't get it. This gear both helps me saving money and keeping my lungs clean.
Since I frequently workout I care about my lungs so I nearly don't smoke at all, some times a little stick when I'm outside but like once a week max.
I was searching for something portable and convenient, I bought the iolite like 3 years ago, it was so lame.. Plastic taste and no pleasure at all. I lend it to a friend who lost it, good riddance.
Since I've got a job now, in a few months I may be able to put some money and get the highest grade stuff.
This minivap seems to be the best portable vaporizer available now.
Exactly what I was looking for. Expensive sure, but quality isn't cheap. I don't get it when people says if they got that kind of money they would rather buy a bunch of cheap vaporizers rather than a very good and efficient one. This is dumb to be polite. Quality > Quantity.
I don't get why people are complaining about the price. In Europe it is 550 euros for the complete version, the volcano digital costs 500 euros and is not portable at all.
Not a huge difference. Sure it's not the same deal for US foreigners who got to pay it in dollars since its weaker than euro.
Anyway, I don't see anything that good on the market, at least on what we know for the moment since there is no real review.
Can't wait for it !
For me a good vape must be user friendly, most are annoying to use and you must know a lot of tricks to make them work good, which is irritating imo.
OhTheAgony, your videos are private :/