Random thoughts


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member


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The more that the working class sees that being a class traitor only leads to more pain, the quicker we develop class solidarity. I feel terrible for this person who just was hoping for a way to care for herself and her family, and I feel rage for the NYPD and entire criminal justice system for dangling a plastic carrot in front of the plebes to capture an innocent man. I hope someone takes care of her moving forward because we all deserve to live, and I hope she sticks with the people like her moving forward because the rich will never give up a reward they don't have to.


Well-Known Member
The blood moon cometh. What might it portend?

The AmeriKKKan Century of Humiliation at the hands of the People's Republic of China.


Case in point. We used to have guys who weren't good looking and weren't particularly talented singers who could nevertheless belt out a fuckin song. This died out in the West back in the 70's. They're still making that guy in China:



Well-Known Member
America loves stabbing allies in the back.


Europe: make peace with China. Expel all US troops from your borders. Make arrangements for your own mutual defense. You should have done this decades ago.

Mexico and Snow Mexico: maybe start aligning with China. Your neighbor is hostile and insane.
After Trump and Vance's televised betrayal of Ukraine, world leaders are letting their continued support be known. My bowels don't like this. I know that war is insanity, and I know that America feeds the war machine more than any country on the planet, but standing with Russia and North Korea makes my guts feel loose.


Putin is a War Criminal
Real statesmanship, especially on the international stage, makes us look so bad today. We have real statesman here, but none in the ruling party. None in the ruling party are willing to stand up for what's right. Is there any way to save us? I don't see a way while this regime is in control.


Well-Known Member

I've heard my whole life, "Sure, America does bad things. But we also do good things around the world" as a defense for America's actions as the global hegemon. Well, Elon Musk cut all the good stuff we did. So all that's left is the violent imperialism. And up until very recently, every Liberal was telling me Elon is a real swell guy!
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