The Pinky: an open-source DIY injector style thermal extraction device


in flavor country
Hey everybody. First time poster, long time reader.
I recently purchased everything needed to make the Pinky. They all arrived a couple of days ago but I'm having some serious trouble getting the nozzle inside the coil. I can't seem to get it past this point (Shown in picture, Imgur wasn't working so I hope pasteboard works). My hands hurt pretty bad and I don't know what to do lol.
I'm fairly close to cutting my losses and putting it in the cupboard. Any advice?
these tigs are pretty strong and hard to damage. I took a pair of plyers to mine, couldn't get it past the half way mark on my coil with my hands no matter how hard I tried. The plyers did the trick, and maybe leave a scuff mark, but you are not going to break it if you are being gentle.

I have rebuilt and taken my pinky in and out of the coil several times using the plyers, it was so much easier.


Well-Known Member
these tigs are pretty strong and hard to damage. I took a pair of plyers to mine, couldn't get it past the half way mark on my coil with my hands no matter how hard I tried. The plyers did the trick, and maybe leave a scuff mark, but you are not going to break it if you are being gentle.

I have rebuilt and taken my pinky in and out of the coil several times using the plyers, it was so much easier.
I shared this earlier but ther eis a trick to get the coil on for me.

With the narrow side up and the coil on top, push down while turning the coil out. Meaning, in the direction that would unravel the coil.

It should go on like butter.

Let me know please.


in flavor country
I shared this earlier but ther eis a trick to get the coil on for me.

With the narrow side up and the coil on top, push down while turning the coil out. Meaning, in the direction that would unravel the coil.

It should go on like butter.

Let me know please.
yes, I tried this as well with only my hands, but my hands are not very strong and the coil wasn't opening up enough no matter how much I twisted. Pliers were the only way for me. I guess some coils are more stiff than others. luckiy these tigs are pretty tough and can take it.


Almost there...
There was a guy on Reddit selling ready made Pinky's and had to jump on getting one!
It is just the Pinky, 2 screens and some lab grown rubies, you provide everything else.
He just joined FC!!!
Welcome @Vaporlungz :wave:

Had a very difficult time getting the Pinky inside my CH coil and found the easiest way to install these guys!
Push the Pinky in as far as you can without destroying your hands and then using a bench vise, I pressed the Pinky in with ease.
One jaw is against the coil and the other on the edge of the Pinky and slowly close the vise. Reposition on each quadrant until installed.
Super easy and took about 2 minutes being careful.

First few bowls almost killed me! This is one serious vape that kicks ass first and then takes names!
Using small bowls with the heat source close was a no no for me, just too much for me to handle and felt like there was a lot of added conduction because of the closeness to the load.

I broke out my ancient Versa bowl and the load is now over an inch away from the heat source.
100% PURE CONVECTION!!! This thing is a beast, hits extremely hard and still tastes amazing.
Will take a few days to fine tune but so far, very good!

I was thinking that if it can successfully vape herb at over an inch at under 600F, what can it do to concentrates?

Enter my ancient New Vape bowl that fits and even older Herbalizer oil pad in the bowl perfectly.
Bumped the temp up to 662F (350C) and dropped some diamonds and sauce on the pad and let her rip!
Holy shit!!! Whitewalled the tube and then nothing.
100% PURE CONVECTION dabs!!!

I think I have found the holy grail at a ridiculous price point!
100% convection dabs that are fully vaporized in one hit.
I will take a video of the herb chamber I use as well as a dab and post them this weekend.
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Almost there...

As promised, Here is a super quick and dirty rip on the Pinky!
Herb is over an inch away from the heat source and it vaporizes perfectly!
I tried hitting the ABV in my Supreme V4 and nothing.
Temp on the Pink was 295 Celsius or 563 F.

Load size is 0,15g.
Amazing flavor and clouds!

And also as promised....
The PINKY does concentrates in FULL Convection mode!!!
I use a modified CH ancient Flowerpot bowl that houses a Herbalizer mesh pad, the concentrate sits on top.
This is some legal OCS Alaskan Thunder Fuck Live Resin, super tasty and potent!
Temp was raised to 345 C or 653 F.

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Well-Known Member
I have most my parts on order to build a pinky.

Can anyone recommend a heat shield for the coil? My wife is accident prone. I can already see her seering the flesh off her fingers. (She is currently healing from a dynaburn on the webbing between her thumb and pointer finger)


I have most my parts on order to build a pinky.

Can anyone recommend a heat shield for the coil? My wife is accident prone. I can already see her seering the flesh off her fingers. (She is currently healing from a dynaburn on the webbing between her thumb and pointer finger)


Well-Known Member
Anyone know actual parts numbers for the tig cups? A #8 tig cup can come in various diameters that can be too small or too big. I also have a #7 tig cup and it fits perfect for the coil in outer diameter, but it was one I got from a friend to see if it would fit. I have the CH 20mm coil and this #7 tig cup has an O.D. of 3/4 inches. It is also only 1 inch in length, but they have other style of tig cups that can be longer (to pack more beads in, though longer might not be better).

I've also seen the tig cup recommended by troy, but it looks like on that one, Troy has to spread those coils out to make it fit. On this #7 that I have, the coils don't need any spreading, or minimal amount if you have too. Thing is I don't know the part number (and this one is super dirty/greasy/oily). I'll try to go to an actual welding store and see if I can find the exact right fit of 3/4 inch OD, unless a welder out there knows this already.


Well-Known Member
yes, I tried this as well with only my hands, but my hands are not very strong and the coil wasn't opening up enough no matter how much I twisted. Pliers were the only way for me. I guess some coils are more stiff than others. luckiy these tigs are pretty tough and can take it.
Well glad you got it. I had easier luck I guess. I can't pull open with my hands but turning it open made it slide in easy for me.


Well-Known Member
On my box of TIGs, it says 53n1s and when I google that number, first link is welding equipement website with the right cup. I'm no technical expert, but "53n61s" is my best guess

53N61S - #8 is what I have, and I found some available on ebay.

Did you have to play around with the coil much to get the cup to fit? Like spreading the coils apart?


in flavor country
Did you have to play around with the coil much to get the cup to fit? Like spreading the coils apart?
Yes, my cup only wanted to go in about half way then I couldn't get it to budge just using my hands. Once I stopped being scared to break it (these tig cups are tough), I grabbed plyers and it gave me enough grip/torque to get the cup all the way into the coil with out having to alter the coil. It was a tight fit, and I rotated in the direction the coil was wound to help open it up as I pushed it the rest of the way in using the plyers to grip the top (wide part) of the cup until it was further into the coil. Then I grabbed the smaller end (bottom) of cup with plyers to make adjustments, always twisting the cup in the open coil direction as I adjusted it into position. I wanted the top of the cup to be almost flush with the top of the coil.


Almost there...
One more modification I have made to the Pinky was to remove the crushed EQ basket from the top and replace it with a FlavorDisc stone.
I had to file it slightly to fit but it is a tight press fit.
No fear of any of the balls falling out, not that I ever had a fear of that happening but it has been mentioned a few times.
I did not have to increase the temps at all and the draw is exactly the same, nice and easy.

I used one of the stones that came with my Super Surfer.

And for the curious, it does not get hot enough the vape concentrates off.


Well-Known Member
One more modification I have made to the Pinky was to remove the crushed EQ basket from the top and replace it with a FlavorDisc stone.
I had to file it slightly to fit but it is a tight press fit.
No fear of any of the balls falling out, not that I ever had a fear of that happening but it has been mentioned a few times.
I did not have to increase the temps at all and the draw is exactly the same, nice and easy.

I used one of the stones that came with my Super Surfer.

And for the curious, it does not get hot enough the vape concentrates off.
I used a 3/4" screen and fit it. Will never fall out for me.


Well-Known Member
The pinky is a beast that can produce vapor but the flavor is also so good it actually increase my consumption lol.

I'd advise people to get at least 2 coils, as mine crapped out in just 2 weeks. Now it only goes to 470 before "eeee". My bowls can only go from green to yellow, but I was surprised that I can take 5-6 hits full of flavor before there are no vapor visible anymore. One month with a low temp pinky seems not that bad hehe.


Well-Known Member
What I did was hold the coil handle and pushed hard on the end of the coil with one hand as I placed the Pinky in the coil with the other. Much easier than I thought it would be. Just get the end of the coil stuck on something and act like you're trying to unwind it.

Loving my Pinky for a couple of weeks now... but I just learned of the b-zero (from you guys,) and I had to go for one of those as well.


Well-Known Member
Loving my Pinky for a couple of weeks now... but I just learned of the b-zero (from you guys,) and I had to go for one of those as well.
I think that all around the b-0 is the better option; not that much more expensive, better form, better fit and seal on bowls, and ""safer material"" (at least it's not coming from a Chinese ceramic manufacture like TIG cup sold on Amazon). But considering USD exchange rate, CH international shipping prices, and customs fees, I'm still very glad I can assemble a Pinky.


Well-Known Member
Well said.

I should expand on the coil technique by saying that I put the end of the coil against a hard surface AND THEN pushed on it to open up the coil a little. Sorry was very medicated. Still am, but less-so now.
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My take on it. Coffee table collapsed and broke this and one of my favourite rigs literally only a couple of weeks after making it so not tested long term. The sleeve is to prevent cracking issues that some have had from the glass Tig cups. Anyway I was too busy to make another so I bought a qaroma but might be useful for someone.

1 is a glass pipe screen for those cheap silicone pipes. About a tenner for 5. Friction fit and fused with a blowtorch to...

2 which is a 21mm quartz glass sleeve (this is from the inside of a tinymight)

3 is a #8 glass Tig cup filled with garnet chips (ruby balls is a bit more standard!)

4 is a ceramic filter from a vapour genie (available as spares) that is pushed down into the neck of the Tig cup and hoovered to remove any dust when friction fitting it.

This fits an 18mm injector adapter. Can be torch or 20mm coil heated. Tig cups a bit prone to cracking if you go silly with the temperature, but they're a tenner vs. £150 or whatever for the qaroma.


Well-Known Member
Bumping this thread with a quick post to say about a year later I still love my Pinky as much. I now use a S&B volcano bowl reducer as a bowl, it sounds weird, but it's perfect for thorough extraction of small doses.
Thanks for this! I built a pinky last spring used it for a bit and put it away for months because I couldn't dial it in well for the smaller doses (.07 - .1). I pulled it back out a few weeks ago and started doubling the doses and found why everyone loves

I am running a "fancier" controller from discount enails and one of @VGOODIEZ Borosilicate Injector Chambers.

What temps would anyone suggest for this type of setup? Or any type really. I'm just trying to see if I am close to optimal performance. :)



Active Member
I made the brain using a borosilicate cup. I found using a tinymight basket screen pushed together with the rimed screen provides a more positive fit and gave a nice “click” when pushed in tight.

Glass cup
Couldn't you use the bowl below instead of the brain? thanks to the fact that many bowls already have a glass filter it makes them safer, and maybe more balls go in it too, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Couldn't you use the bowl below instead of the brain? thanks to the fact that many bowls already have a glass filter it makes them safer, and maybe more balls go in it too, what do you think?
It would be almost impossible to get the metal coil around the lip and then snug enough over the glass for this to work
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