Powerful Portable Showdown.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! This is my first post and right now VAS has me in it's grips. So I purchased a TerpTorch last week and this thing fucking rocks!! I'm coming from using a PoTV through the WPA and a S&B Plenty (rips but super inefficient).

The TerpTorch has my desktop itch scratched for the time being. But I'm in the market for a more 'powerful' portable. I have a high tolerance (1 oz every 2 weeks), and having to pack the One multiple times to get 'right' feels unsatisfying.

I'd enjoy something that gives me big rips without needing to be ran through a waterpipe. I've narrowed my choices down to the Tetra p80, the Tinymight, and the Mighty. I really love the look of the p80s and the Tinymight. Though I've heard they're hard to come by. I'm curious to what the experts recommend? Thank you for all your feedback!


Well-Known Member
I felt bored as well after packing a bowl after another on the same vape for years but that’s just a testament of how well the PoTVOne/HRFury2 works. I went for the Tubo which felt better even than the Mighty. But lacked hard in portability in comparison to the F2. Tinymight is more refined, still on demand but it still lacks portability imho. It has glass parts as the Tetra/Tubo. I use both Tubo and Tinymight as desktop vapes for this reason and find they match better with a waterpiece on a desktop than with outdoor use.
Do you actually need a pocketable vape? Since having to wear a mask I hardly vape anything outdoors anymore.
If you don’t need a pocketable, portable vape Tafée bowle is the best heavy hitter I can think of that doesn’t need a water pipe since the vapor is already so cool. On the other hand my Tinymight works exclusively trough water. When it works.
Many, me included to some extent, consider the Mighty still as the gold standard of portable vapes, even if it hardly lacks on demand capabilities. A Mighty+ will be out “soon” but no specifications has been revealed yet, or release date.
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Well-Known Member
I've seen a few pics but haven't dived into the thread. Will do and report back! Thank you.


FC member
For small and portable the dotleaf is worth considering. They have the bugs worked out nearly.
Semi porable p80 and the tinymight (lots of bugs and bad cs).


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Tossing in my recommendation for the DotLeaf. Very compact and gives massive rips. Decent CS. You can use it with glass, but you don't need to. You can add a stem or something to make it as cool as the other recommended vapes.
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Simple is the way
IMHO opinion, Stay away from Dotleaf, at least for another 6-8months it's a great vape in theory but it is not ready for market. They still do not have a fully tested functioning oven. Once they figure out the quirks with the chamber and other possible FW glitches I'm sure it will be great. But I wouldn't say this is a currently recommendable product.

FW7 for true pocket portability or Tafe Bowle for in-home portability


Well-Known Member
My top portables are the Bowle, TinyMight, and the Firewood 7. If I really want to throw a portable herb vape in my pocket, it's the FW7. It's a heavy hitter and travels better than the others. Weighs about the same as a single 18650. For an at-home portable though it's hard to beat the Bowle.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
IMHO opinion, Stay away from Dotleaf, at least for another 6-8months it's a great vape in theory but it is not ready for market. They still do not have a fully tested functioning oven. Once they figure out the quirks with the chamber and other possible FW glitches I'm sure it will be great. But I wouldn't say this is a currently recommendable product.

FW7 for true pocket portability or Tafe Bowle for in-home portability

This is a fair assessment. I should say that if you want to take your chances on a new product, the dotleaf is killer. Or you could have an issue with it and need to replace the oven before it's killer.

But other new vapes recommended here have their own issues. We all take our chances if we don't want a venerable vape like arizer or fury.
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Well-Known Member
This is a fair assessment. I should say that if you want to take your chances on a new product, the dotleaf is killer. Or you could have an issue with it and need to replace the oven before it's killer.

But other new vapes recommended here have their own issues. We all take our chances if we don't want a venerable vape like arizer or fury.
I do not think that only Arizer or Fury make reliable vapes, There have been next to no issues with the Tafee and the FW7. As of right now, I wouldnt put DotLeaf any higher than Tinymight or Hopper in terms of reliability


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Hello everyone! This is my first post and right now VAS has me in it's grips. So I purchased a TerpTorch last week and this thing fucking rocks!! I'm coming from using a PoTV through the WPA and a S&B Plenty (rips but super inefficient).

The TerpTorch has my desktop itch scratched for the time being. But I'm in the market for a more 'powerful' portable. I have a high tolerance (1 oz every 2 weeks), and having to pack the One multiple times to get 'right' feels unsatisfying.

I'd enjoy something that gives me big rips without needing to be ran through a waterpipe. I've narrowed my choices down to the Tetra p80, the Tinymight, and the Mighty. I really love the look of the p80s and the Tinymight. Though I've heard they're hard to come by. I'm curious to what the experts recommend? Thank you for all your feedback!

There are a bunch of portables mentioned here that have been getting some high ratings lately. The thing is, most of them are pretty expensive. Most much more expensive than your terp torch. You mentioned that you own a Plenty. I've watched reviews of those and while they are unwieldy and use a lot of weed, you can't deny that they pump vapor like a motherfucker. I doubt you're gonna find a portable that puts out much more vapor than that. I watched Troy use one on 420vapezone and the thing darn near killed him. Sounds like you want that vapor with less herb and maybe in a smaller footprint. However, as you use less weed then there's gonna be a ceiling on how much vapor you're gonna produce, at least for multiple hits.

One consideration might be not finding a better flower vape, but trying a different type of cannabis. You can also get great satisfaction with less material by trying some concentrates. You could load your PoTV with a little weed and a piece of wax on top or just the wax/rosin/etc wrapped in some cotton by itself. There is also a whole world of portables for concentrate use like pens, e-rigs and 510 mods. A dynavap can also be used for flower or concentrates. Just another way to get more vapor with less material.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I do not think that only Arizer or Fury make reliable vapes, There have been next to no issues with the Tafee and the FW7. As of right now, I wouldnt put DotLeaf any higher than Tinymight or Hopper in terms of reliability

FW7 cracks in half at the battery compartment (because it's made of wood lol), and the Tafee has breath sense FW issues and short battery life issues and flimsy button issues. New vapes have problems. News at 11.

But I'll grant you that you can freak out the Dotleaf Firmware once in a blue moon and it will go into infinite heatup and combust and crack the oven. It needs some work before it's out of beta.
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Well-Known Member
One consideration might be not finding a better flower vape, but trying a different type of cannabis. You can also get great satisfaction with less material by trying some concentrates. You could load your PoTV with a little weed and a piece of wax on top or just the wax/rosin/etc wrapped in some cotton by itself. There is also a whole world of portables for concentrate use like pens, e-rigs and 510 mods.
Yep. Here's a Pico mod with a wax atomizer and a "stash cap" for concentrate storage:


A vape and a few weeks worth of material, all in a pocketable package smaller than the TinyMight. Concentrates do have their advantages.

FW7 cracks in half at the battery compartment (because it's made of wood lol)

This is a possibility but I don't think it's affecting most users. I will say a few years ago there was a recall with the Firewood 4. As a one man operation, Marc got every buyer's unit fixed in less time than some Storz and Bickel warranty repairs take. I had no worries buying his new model.


This community is so small it's become increasingly difficult to tell how widespread any of these issues actually are.
Most threads have such a small amount of regular posters, if even 5 people have the same issue it would appear common.
It's hard to tell if they are outlier irregularities or an accurate microcosmic representation of the manufacturer.


Well-Known Member
FW7 cracks in half at the battery compartment (because it's made of wood lol), and the Tafee has breath sense FW issues and short battery life issues and flimsy button issues. New vapes have problems. News at 11.

But I'll grant you that you can freak out the Dotleaf Firmware once in a blue moon and it will go into infinite heatup and combust and crack the oven. It needs some work before it's out of beta.
the battery issue with FW7 is not widespread in the least and is related to fit (some cells being too wide). Marc has even replaced one or two that have cracked at his own expense (even though it would lie firmly in the user error side of issues)
The issues that are showing with the tafee are being handled so quickly and fully by the company that it is essentially a non-issue

Comparing the Dotleaf and its oven issue, combustion issue, confusing CS, materials questions to either of these two vapes is a non-starter - they arent even in the same league

This is all my own opinion and different strokes for different folks 8)


Well-Known Member
Well this thread has been awesome so far! I've added the Bowle to my potential list, but it's price seems to be up there with the Mighty. The concerns about the Tinymight's CS are making it fall lower and lower. I definitely don't want to be in a situation in which my unit is damaged and there's no hope for repair or a fix.

I think at the moment I'm leaning toward the Firewood 7. I've noticed people haven't mentioned the Crafty+ either. Does it just not compete with the other 'heavy' hitting portables?

Unfortunately NC as a state doesn't seem to be pushing toward legalization and I'm not a big fan of black market concentrates. My flower guy has consistent top quality stuff so I guess it's just a case of sticking to what I'm used to lol.
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Well-Known Member
Well this thread has been awesome so far! I've added the Bowle to my potential list, but it's price seems to be up there with the Mighty. The concerns about the Tinymight's CS are making it fall lower and lower. I definitely don't want to be in a situation in which my unit is damaged and there's no hope for repair or a fix.

I think at the moment I'm leaning toward the Firewood 7. I've noticed people haven't mentioned the Crafty+ either. Does it just not compete with the other 'heavy' hitting portables?

Unfortunately NC as a state doesn't seem to be pushing toward legalization and I'm not a big fan of black market concentrates. My flower guy has consistent top quality stuff so I guess it's just a case of sticking to what I'm used to lol.
The crafty is a fine vape for sure. It just occupies an area (price-wise) that has other, more interesting options like artisanal on-demand vapes.
I just don’t have the time to spare for a session vape lol, by the time it’s heated up, I’m already putting away my on-demand devices (hyperbole, but you get it)


Well-Known Member
My Firewood 7 had a tight battery compartment (I think the spring has a lot to do with it, but no cracking or real threats of cracking here and it’s loosened up. I think it’s a great choice.

TinyMight’s CS has been getting better though, and they seem to be addressing some of the minor design issues, so I wouldn’t worry too much about buying one right now. Still, if I had to choose which I’d trust more on CS right now it would be Firewood.

The Crafty has a lot of fans, but it is more of a session vape unless you want to load and unload capsules to preserve the load. I don’t love the design, plastic, etc. either, but it’s probably not a bad option. I just think the FW7 and TM are overall better choices for most people interested enough in vaporizers to find themselves here.

@invertedisdead I agree we can get some skewed perspectives from the small number of reports we see here (I’ve seen things I’ve said blown out of proportion), but when I see specific issues or types of issues keep coming up, especially when they hit people who were previously defending the device/company, I think we should keep an eye on those things. We catch some real issues here before the manufacturers do.

I’m not really disagreeing, but while I don’t want people to overreact to reports of problems I also don’t want them to think they shouldn’t take issues seriously when we see them reported repeatedly. :)


Everythings coming up Milhouse!
My top portables are the Bowle, TinyMight, and the Firewood 7. If I really want to throw a portable herb vape in my pocket, it's the FW7. It's a heavy hitter and travels better than the others. Weighs about the same as a single 18650. For an at-home portable though it's hard to beat the Bowle.

I shouldn’t even be asking this (I swore I wouldn’t succumb to vas...), but does the FW7 have to be a heavy hitting “ripper” or can one take smaller puffs and stretch it a bowl out over a day/several hours? I’m a low tolerance user and was originally considering it, but ended up with a Woodscents with the plan to take the DV on the go.

I definitely need to spend more time with the dv to see if I can do lower temps over the entire load, but I’m a sucker for the FW aesthetics. If there’s a 420 sale I’ll be mighty tempted if it can handle smaller doses/puffs.
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