I would love to visit the Atacama just to see the night sky....
The glimmering arch of the Milky Way as seen through a crystal ball, shining with billions of stars and entwined patches of gas and dust, offers an intriguing perspective on our home galaxy. It was taken by ESO’s Photo Ambassador Juan Carlos Muñoz-Mateos, who hopes to “help others feel what it’s like to look at the night sky from one of the darkest and most barren locations on Earth” — the Atacama Desert, home of ESO’s Paranal Observatory.
Some of the VLT array and sky....The bright object at the center of the frame is the Moon — slightly to its upper left is the ringed planet Saturn, while rocky Mercury sits to the lower left. Also in this image is the Lagoon Nebula, Cat’s Paw Nebula, and Trifid Nebula.
Don't forget about the
I just saw the moon thread for more awesome space pics