Corona Vaping


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't think the virus will let us return to normal. I highly suspect this is the genesis of 'bigger' things in world affairs.
the virus is just a symptom that shows us what - sick fragile system we have build in our greed style.
i dont know how it is in NA but we in europe are totaly in the hand from china and india - they do all our antibiotic medicine - they dont have to fight us sometimes they just have to stop give us the needed med...
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And what sick fragile minds that are making stupid fucking decisions that affect the whole fucking lot of us! There is some sick fucking motivation going on out there. Accountability may be a thing of the past in their minds 'just in case the whole thing goes to hell in a hand-basket," but reckonings aren't quite so forgiving :cool:
I don't think 'the world' has had a chance to look at it balance sheet just yet. That'll be 2 quarters, or 6 months from now. Shit's gonna hit the fan for America :doh:


Normal was never normal, we've been living on borrowed time way before this.

Now if you'll excuse me, me and my horse are going to live in a tree in the middle of nowhere (its a tree horse, obviously).

EDIT: I just watched what appears to an inebriated mayor of las vegas offering to use its citizens as a control group.
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Old & In the Way
The world has so many chickens coming home to roost there won't be enough room in the henhouse for all of them.
Throughout human history, civilizations have a life span, a rise and fall of their culture and influence.
We in the western world are clearly on the downward spiral, and we may be taking others down with us. It's a slow-mo train wreck, currently accelerated by this pandemic.
The whole of humanity may or may not survive, but today we are the ones alive and experiencing the wonders of all of our existence. In each moment there is infinite wisdom, peace and joy to be had and shared.
Such is the human conundrum, one big dichotomy, you get the yin along with the yang.
I suppose, if I had a mic, this would be the time to drop it? Sorry for running on...


Well-Known Member
i dont think china will be the looser of this game....they and other 3rd world countrys with very young populations will be much stronger than our 1st world....not happy aout that but i think the colonisation will go the other way this time....we will be the slaves....

did not think of it that way. That’s a valid point for sure. Opposite side of the coin. But makes perfect sense. I’m not happy to say the least.


epigenetics of cannabis

it is a patented Virus creatded in a lab, not some person eating Bats = LOL... bio-chemicAL warfare

I noticed your post had zero likes so I had to give you mine. As always, the truth hurts and will continue to remain an unpopular opinion.

This is not the first time a novel coronavirus has leaked from the Bio Security Level 4 WHO sponsored Wuhan viral laboratory. This is precisely how the 2003 SARS outbreak occured.

nCoV-19 is a genetically modified weaponized coronavirus originating from bats, utilizing "gain-of-function" gene editing to have the capability of "jumping host" for faster infection rates.

Shi Zhengli is a Chinese virologist who researches SARS-like coronaviruses of bat origin. Shi directs the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a biosafety level 4 laboratory located in Jiangxia District, Wuhan.

Here is one of Shi Zhnegli's many published papers on the subject...

I suggest anyone with a half functioning medula watch this well researched 8 minute video by the professor below.

"Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush."

As always folks please do your own research, question everything, and remember the TOP of the pyramid is always the heaviest.


Old & In the Way
I noticed your post had zero likes so I had to give you mine. As always, the truth hurts and will continue to remain an unpopular opinion.

This is not the first time a novel coronavirus has leaked from the Bio Security Level 4 WHO sponsored Wuhan viral laboratory. This is precisely how the 2003 SARS outbreak occured.

nCoV-19 is a genetically modified weaponized coronavirus originating from bats, utilizing "gain-of-function" gene editing to have the capability of "jumping host" for faster infection rates.

Shi Zhengli is a Chinese virologist who researches SARS-like coronaviruses of bat origin. Shi directs the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a biosafety level 4 laboratory located in Jiangxia District, Wuhan.

Here is one of Shi Zhnegli's many published papers on the subject...

I suggest anyone with a half functioning medula watch this well researched 8 minute video by the professor below.

"Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush."

As always folks please do your own research, question everything, and remember the TOP of the pyramid is always the heaviest.
Before watching your video post, I did some quick looking around - my own research, as you suggest. is my go-to rumor checker.
The Boyle interview, among other things, is de-bunked here, about halfway down the article;

I do agree that we need to question everything and we have good reason to generally mistrust information out of China. There is some irony that we here in US are further lacking basic factual data on our own experience of the pandemic, not because of secrecy but rather due to ineptitude and inaction in implementing testing.
But we cannot leap when it is firm factual footing we need.


I noticed your post had zero likes so I had to give you mine. As always, the truth hurts and will continue to remain an unpopular opinion.

This is not the first time a novel coronavirus has leaked from the Bio Security Level 4 WHO sponsored Wuhan viral laboratory. This is precisely how the 2003 SARS outbreak occured.

nCoV-19 is a genetically modified weaponized coronavirus originating from bats, utilizing "gain-of-function" gene editing to have the capability of "jumping host" for faster infection rates.

Shi Zhengli is a Chinese virologist who researches SARS-like coronaviruses of bat origin. Shi directs the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a biosafety level 4 laboratory located in Jiangxia District, Wuhan.

Here is one of Shi Zhnegli's many published papers on the subject...

I suggest anyone with a half functioning medula watch this well researched 8 minute video by the professor below.

"Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush."

As always folks please do your own research, question everything, and remember the TOP of the pyramid is always the heaviest.

Never trust a lawyer who isnt working for you. And even if they are, side eye the fucker.

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Before watching your video post, I did some quick looking around - my own research, as you suggest. is my go-to rumor checker.
The Boyle interview, among other things, is de-bunked here, about halfway down the article;

If you're entertaining existing biases before even watching the video I'm not surprised by your rushed conclusions.

It must be said that Snopes is what could be considered by many as the "WebMD" of fact checking. My problem with Snopes is that platform tends to discourage extended research and critical thinking by acting as an empirical source of information. I know many people whose research process solely includes "fact checking" on Snopes, and then their research is complete. I find that extremely dangerous.

What I witnessed in that linked article is a couple vague attempts at discreding the professors credibility, which I can't say I'm surprised to see on such a mainstream media source as Snopes; as you would have learned in the video clip above that he's already been blacklisted from mainstream media sources for speaking out against weaponized Anthrax two decades ago.

Of course, it is possible he's just another idiot PhD from Harvard U. But all those scientific papers he references do exist and are availabile for your perusal to draw your own conclusions.

I'm gonna quote an exert from the scientifc paper that I included in the quoted post above, which I'll assume you read since you did say you did your own research.

Together, these data and restrictions represent a crossroads of GAIN OF FUNCTION research concerns; the potential to prepare and mitigate future outbreaks must be weighed against the risk of creating more dangerous pathogens. In developing policies moving forward, it is important to consider the value of the data generated by these studies and if they warrant further study or the inherent risks involved.

It's important to note that whether or not you believe this virus was created in a lab is essentially irrelevant in the grand scheme: what's important to realize is that these dangerous and highly experimental biosafety laboratories do exist, they are experimenting with morally and ethically disconcerting "scientific practices" including genetic modification, and all of the technology does exist and has been demonstrated to accomplish what has been outlined.

That leaves the only part left for critical thinking, is to decide whether this was an accident or intentional. It's existence cannot be denied.


Less soul, more mind

Wikipedia said:
The Epoch Times is a multi-language newspaper. It was founded in 2000 by John Tang and a group of Chinese Americans associated with the Falun Gong spiritual movement. Though the newspaper is known for general interest topics with a focus on news about China and its human rights issues, it has become known for its support of U.S. President Donald Trump and favorable coverage of far-right politicians in Europe; a 2019 report showed it to be the second-largest funder of pro-Trump Facebook advertising after the Trump campaign.The newspaper is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD). The group's news sites and YouTube channels have spread conspiracy theories such as QAnon and anti-vaccination propaganda.


But no research any of us on this board can do is going to provide firm, concrete answers until it becomes a firm, concrete fact. So it quickly devolves into nothing but a terrifying story and a game of 'who has the more credible appearing link' mixed in with a whole bunch of opinion, further getting peoples knickers in a twist and raising the personal anxiety level. Its not going to accomplish much.

We still have other possibilities as to how this virus could have come about (I think? Thats opinion, and I know absolutely fuck all :) )


@invertedisdead - what do you think of this backstory?

I've seen it - lots of interesting information, journalism, and perspectives on topics that would never air or be entertained on any sort of compromised major network broadcasting. What molecular biologist Dr. Judy Mikovits has to say is certainly interesting - if you research her you'll find she was blacklisted by none other than current CDC director and COVID authority figure, Dr. Anthony Fauci... there was actually a book written about this available here for purchase.’s-Intrepid-Retroviruses-Syndrome/dp/1510713948

Nobody has ALL the information and can fill in ALL of the blanks. But I doubt it takes watching every season of Cold Case Files on Netflix to see an eerily strange connection between -

  • SARS based novel coronavirus outbreak occurs in Wuhan Province (again)
  • Level 4 Biosecurity Laboratory exists in... Wuhan Province
  • Chinese virologist famous for researching coronavirus is director of Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the BSL-4 in Wuhan Province.
  • Chinese virologist participates in US research to demonstrate effectivity of genetically modified coronavirus to replicate pathogenesis in the human airway
The potential to prepare and mitigate future outbreaks must be weighed against the risk of creating more dangerous pathogens.
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Judy Mikovits is a known anti-vaccine activist whose research has been debunked multiple times. She has been blacklisted for repeated bad science and criminal conduct, not because she's not „mainstream“.

How many quacks have 49 published scientific papers though? JA[Author]&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=21178474

Stephanie Seneff is my favorite anti-vaccine activist

"Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She received the B.S. degree in Biophysics in 1968, the M.S. and E.E. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1980, and the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1985, all from MIT. For over three decades, her research interests have always been at the intersection of biology and computation: developing a computational model for the human auditory system, understanding human language so as to develop algorithms and systems for human computer interactions, as well as applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques to gene predictions. She has published over 170 refereed articles on these subjects, and has been invited to give keynote speeches at several international conferences. She has also supervised numerous Master's and PhD theses at MIT. In 2012, Dr. Seneff was elected Fellow of the International Speech and Communication Association (ISCA).

In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused her research interests back towards biology. She is concentrating mainly on the relationship between nutrition and health. Since 2011, she has published over two dozen papers in various medical and health-related journals on topics such as modern day diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, autism, cardiovascular diseases), analysis and search of databases of drug side effects using NLP techniques, and the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health."

Here's some quotes from the research article I posted above about vaccine effectiveness on that particular coronavirus.

Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from CoVs utilizing the novel spike protein.

Perhaps most importantly, DIV vaccination resulted in robust immune pathology (Supplementary Table 4) and eosinophilia (Supplementary Fig. 5d–f). Together, these results confirm DIV vaccine failure and illustrated augmented disease for the aged vaccinated group.


Of course, no one has all the info, but that wasnt my point, it was more 'and then what?'. I was against all forms of research and testing into germ warfare as it was. This doesnt change anything. I was terrified of the predicted pandemic 30 years ago, I still am. I was terrified of it in the film Contagion, I still am.

While snopes may have problems, so does youtube and amazon, and they're a little bit than more mainstream, not to mention google.

And we're back in a game of who has the best link. The amazon book, on its cover, refers to autism as a disease. Just no.

modern day diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, autism, cardiovascular diseases), analysis and search of databases of drug side effects using NLP techniques, and the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health."

Modern day diseases? Autism? Im out.


@invertedisdead - Up that with one new finding in mainstream news and engineering sounds a whole lot more plausible.
Seems C'19 has a way to affect blood clotting, rather than acute thinning like ebola. It coagulates in ~30% of patients. They were finding clots in the lungs, not pneumonia. This is doing significant and likely permanent damage to vital organs if the patient survives.

Can we survive to say "OOPS" just one more time?


@invertedisdead - I don't understand why that would be a reply to my comment.

Anyway, I'm a believer in the scientific community and have a very hard time relating to the anti-vaccine movement.

That's confirmation bias, there are lots of scientific figures who don't support vaccines. I even went as far as to note one with 4 degrees from MIT. Is she not a member of the very scientific community you believe in?


Well-Known Member
@invertedisdead - what do you think of this backstory?

Watched that. Very good. But isn’t epoch times a USA/China news outlet. Spreading propaganda in jars own way?

Coles notes to take away from video is that Dr. Shi creates virus in a lab in Wuhan that is actually owned by the CCP. WHO has big ties to China and was pushing their propaganda on us as to how to deal with the outbreak by not closing borders and fucking us all. They been testing bio weapons for years. Oh and the world wants a shit ton of money from CCP and China believes in global domination and this is how they get it and turn us into their slaves as mentioned by someone further up.


Yea, that's about right. I have no idea who Epoch Times is but they had good access :cool: Their formulation may have some fast slight of hand in it though.

@ginolicious - I don't know about slaves but definitely zombies. This little incident is just a wakeup call. Call it the "Red Pill!" pun intended.


Less soul, more mind
That's confirmation bias, there are lots of scientific figures who don't support vaccines. I even went as far as to note one with 4 degrees from MIT. Is she not a member of the very scientific community you believe in?

You seem to think that supporting vaccines or not is some kind of opinion. But it's not. Vaccines are part of the scientific consensus supported by pretty much anyone involved in the scientific research of viruses – now, you will find „a lot“ of (ex) scientists that are opposed to this consensus, but listening only to them is actual confirmation bias in my opinion. Their ratio to those who support vaccines is actually next to none.


Watched that. Very good. But isn’t epoch times a USA/China news outlet. Spreading propaganda in jars own way?

Coles notes to take away from video is that Dr. Shi creates virus in a lab in Wuhan that is actually owned by the CCP. WHO has big ties to China and was pushing their propaganda on us as to how to deal with the outbreak by not closing borders and fucking us all. They been testing bio weapons for years. Oh and the world wants a shit ton of money from CCP and China believes in global domination and this is how they get it and turn us into their slaves as mentioned by someone further up.

This one was pretty interesting too, I saw this one a few days ago. People can draw their own conclusions. It's a lot more "journalism" than anything I've seen on the boobtube.

My biggest red flag with the Epoch Times is they are advertising heavily on Youtube, hopefully that money comes from paid members and not outside financial interest; you never really know. All we can do is present information, and compare findings.

You seem to think that supporting vaccines or not is some kind of opinion. But it's not.

Where I live, a vaccine is something people get in exchange for a free scoop of ice cream.

You're certainly free to your opinions, but they are not facts, which is what you ensenuate when you suggest it's not an opinon. I find that a strange conclusion, as the scientific community disagrees continously. Just look at the recent "vape cart crisis" - lots of bright minds on the case, but they still couldn't come to a conclusive agreement on what the actual cause was.

This is getting off topic now but since you brought it up, vaccines are certainly not proven, especially with novel coronaviruses, all you would have to do is read the scientific paper I posted above to see the effects between various vaccines actually tested on a novel coronavirus obtained from bats and genetically modified to study the human effect. Of course they were testing on rats, = but they found the vaccine either failed to neutralize and protect or with other approaches it actually augmented the disease, as in, it made it WORSE! :rip:


Less soul, more mind
@invertedisdead – What can I say? :-) I'm not a scientist myself so I have to decide which stream to follow, and while on many fields I tend to be very interested in what's left and right the mainstream, science doesn't seem to be ideal for that (I'm talking about the consensus here, not about scientists going crazy and thinking out of the box etc., that we should always support). So when it comes to decide whether to listen to the (broad) mainstream of science or to someone who is willing to act within a documentary by a far-right anti-vaccine Trump-supporting propaganda newspaper I rather do the first. Scientists I listen to would not do that at all.
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