Hey there guys I was wondering if the vhw still is viable since it now is over 10 years old and alteast concept wise it's almost the same as the gs XLR
How is it performance wise, cleaning, durability, how much act is it to set both up. And what are the drawbacks of both units?
They have similarities due to the glas aspect. But still perform differently with their own unique vape signatures.
I used the GS for one day only. Never tried the VHW, but it is onnI VAS for and truly hope to acquire one day.
The VHW works by way of a "thermal curve", utilising the flow form physics of the "venturi effect", which is created by the design of the VCB (vaporization chamber bowl)- like a swirling vortex, which in the mind of the creatir- enables a more broad range of extraction at a lower temperature where both terpenes and higher temp cannabinoids can be extracted in the same inhalation.
The GS works at one set temperature. The VHW is more technique dependant and depending on water tool (notably Vriptech's own bubblers) can have some restriction, which Mark has always insisted is necessary and advantageous for vapor flow.
The GS is very wide open, just a tad less flowing than the FPSH and Herbo Ti.
I would guess that the VHW has the edge on flavour. I think the VHW and Elev8r are right at the top for flavour purity and expression. I hear the Minivap and Vapolution 3 are also excellent here.
Now the only thing that has really prevented me from buying this amazing vaporizer so far, and to answer another of your questions- fragility! The glass heater cover needs to be treated very carefully. There have been many casualties. It would cost me a lot to replace it from tge US to UK, like £140 plus all in.
I would always be worried about it breaking, and if it happened once and I replaced it I woukd be even more apprehensive about it breaking again, in which case Im sure I couldn't justify another replacement.
If this part was a fair bit cheaper (like £50 for example), and maybe a little more robust, I reckon I would have had me a wand years ago. Or if I was just richer!
This said, there are countless wands and heater covers out there still going strong after many years. This is a tool for serious vaporists who value their health and enjoy cannabis to the utmost. So don't let my own reservations stop you potentially finding love and utopia with this vaporizer, if you feel strongly drawn to it.
I really hope to own one one day. We have a super knowledgable member with the utmost experience on so many different vapes, these 2 included in
@lazylathe .
He may be able to add some golden crumbs of insight to help you out here. Hiya Lazy btw,

hoping you are alright and things are going smoothly enough for you at home. Always thinking of you bro anyway.
@HindelangGG I hope that helps. Please keep us informed which way your head tilts, we wanna hear all the goss bruv!