@FocusV Can you show us the heating element ? I am curious what is it, a ceramic rod or a coil?
Does herb make its way down to it ? One of things i dont dig about x-max fog are the large holes at the bottom,which allow herb particles to get to the heater and produce unpleasant aromas when heating up.Is there any finer mesh or barrier between the heater and the herb chamber ?
Can the heater be dissasembled or reached for cleaning ? Is the airpath remove-able ?(can you take it out and soak it ) ?
I really like the dissasembly reviews that puffit up makes,because the use can see with his own eyes what is going to breath trough

).. So to say i dont mind to see all the guts of the focus 1 if you allowed to show us .

) Mainly i wonder how are the electronics insulated from the airpath and what are the materials involoved in the heater. Any silicone,PTFE,Capton tape ?