Vape Donkey 650
All vape, no smoke please.
Well, I could have posted this 2 weeks ago, but I was hoping to get in more usage to make a better base of experience to comment on. In my latest re-supply package with a massive dump of 7mm donuts and ceramic rods from DT, I also received one of these proto-type V4 quartz donut attys. Having seen the pics and videos for a while, I was eager to try it out...
On the exterior, it looks similar to alot of other LAYG attys, right? Actually looks exactly like the "jet stream" RDA from the outside, and uses the exact same top cap / mouthpiece with the directional air tubes. Still a 22mm atty, it looks good with an SS mod like this primo mini
That's a big ole' bucket, yes. The quartz is nice and smooth like on our "V2" QQs, but it is also thin like the quartz on the V1 QQ
And here you can see how Matt mentioned that the bottom of the big quartz bucket does not reach the floor, allowing for some wobble. Adding a circular metal ridge or guide on the base and lengthening the quartz bucket slightly should allow it to sit firm & securely like our quartz cups riding that metal saddle tight on our QQs
Around the metal base here is where that circle guide for the quartz bucket should go. The metal base is simple and easy to rebuild here, should be familiar to anyone with a V3 donut atty, much easier to rebuild than the QQ. I don't know what is the function of that big ceramic spacer under the donut? Can that be eliminated? I was able to get a decent session going without it. The spacer does little more than guide the wires and hold up the donut, but it seems unnecessary. Just acts as a heat-sponge, if anything.
Also not pictured here, the holes for the wires to enter the posts on top is much tighter for the leads, and the hollow innards of the posts also fit tighter with the wires on the inside. The screw holes also clamp the leads more flat and evenly. This should allow you to screw the wire leads for the donut super tight without risking breaking or bending them, like is possible on the V3. No need to "shim" the insides of your posts for maximum conductivity now.
And here's that other part that can make this atty special: the dual directional air tube cap. For default, dry usage, it has a high-airflow, splash-proof drip tip. Also a great bonus: the V4 / Jetstream cap is compatible with the glass 18mm male mouthpiece / tip that is already available for the Gen2 herb atty!
Hydratube connections from day 1, great!
The size of the jet stream glass and metal tips is too big for the standard 510 drip tips, but it is also too small for the 810-sized drip tips on my big smok x-baby tanks. Being in between those sizes, why don't we call them...
710 drip tips?

So it's time to test this thing out, Matt advised some relatively high TCR #s, so after some initial dry heat-ups and some rough, spotty IR measurements, it was time to load'n'go
I don't test brand new attys with sauce. Some lowly old dry crumbles will do. Less pressure to perform right away when mod settings are indeterminate.
This type of crumby crumble can be quite annoying to load on an open donut or the smaller QQ because it easily wants to fall under the donut in the cup where it isn't vaped right away, or under the quartz cup to the nether regions. This open bucket is perfect for loading this crap concentrate.
Skipping the dry try, I rigged up this simple GonG angled adapter to hook up that glass 18mm tip from the dry herb atty straight to my D-020-d9. Usually I would rig up a SonG connection for flexibility and compatibility with a greater array of mod sizes, but this setup just seemed too simple and right.
So after all this, how does it work?
Well it did work, although I didn't get the instant-super cloud like in Matt's vid. Maybe it was my more meager load of crumble more fitting of a prohibition-state regular working guy. I feel that my heat / TCR settings could have been better, and I inched it higher and higher to get more cloud without getting very harsh too. Maybe the wobble of the cup hurt the vapor output; perhaps the bucket can sit lower and actually contact the donut rather than be only in very close proximity?
Using the top airflow tubes, spinning it, and tilting & angling the mod during use to chase the oil around the bucket is fun and you can see the feedback & output of this through a glass globe topper like I have set up. I miss the open glass cap that lets you see your oil swirling like on the QQ though. The QQ glass top actually almost fits the V4 good, it fits over the bucket and the single air tube will point at the middle, but it won't seat all the way on the bottom of the 2 o-rings on the base.
I would love to give you guys a more solid up / down preview (not review) of this atty, but more extensive testing was cut short when my sole quartz bucket developed a big crack and chunk broke off after only 4 loads.
Quite disappointing, but not very surprising with this thin quartz. I think Matt told me this happened to him on one of his early V4 buckets also. Damn...
To be fair, this might have been partially "my bad" as I was attempting to pull a cheap-guy treat for myself, taking 4 or 5 "empty" raw garden jars and scraping up the last, saucy remnants to mix a big oily blob on the bucket. I used a steel needle to twirl small dabs of scooped sauce against the side wall of the cup several times. The needle with the cold, semi-hard sauce being rubbed laterally against the wobble-prone quartz cup so many times probably caused the crack.
Damn...preventable perhaps. But with improvements in the final release version, including a more solid bucket-to-base seal, and hopefully thicker quartz? should make this a rare problem hopefully.
And cheap, available, easy-to-replace parts should make a cracked bucket or busted donut NBD in the future.
So basically...this design looks to hold big promise, with these minor bugs being addressed, this could be a big bucket to compete with the best!

On the exterior, it looks similar to alot of other LAYG attys, right? Actually looks exactly like the "jet stream" RDA from the outside, and uses the exact same top cap / mouthpiece with the directional air tubes. Still a 22mm atty, it looks good with an SS mod like this primo mini

That's a big ole' bucket, yes. The quartz is nice and smooth like on our "V2" QQs, but it is also thin like the quartz on the V1 QQ

And here you can see how Matt mentioned that the bottom of the big quartz bucket does not reach the floor, allowing for some wobble. Adding a circular metal ridge or guide on the base and lengthening the quartz bucket slightly should allow it to sit firm & securely like our quartz cups riding that metal saddle tight on our QQs

Around the metal base here is where that circle guide for the quartz bucket should go. The metal base is simple and easy to rebuild here, should be familiar to anyone with a V3 donut atty, much easier to rebuild than the QQ. I don't know what is the function of that big ceramic spacer under the donut? Can that be eliminated? I was able to get a decent session going without it. The spacer does little more than guide the wires and hold up the donut, but it seems unnecessary. Just acts as a heat-sponge, if anything.
Also not pictured here, the holes for the wires to enter the posts on top is much tighter for the leads, and the hollow innards of the posts also fit tighter with the wires on the inside. The screw holes also clamp the leads more flat and evenly. This should allow you to screw the wire leads for the donut super tight without risking breaking or bending them, like is possible on the V3. No need to "shim" the insides of your posts for maximum conductivity now.

And here's that other part that can make this atty special: the dual directional air tube cap. For default, dry usage, it has a high-airflow, splash-proof drip tip. Also a great bonus: the V4 / Jetstream cap is compatible with the glass 18mm male mouthpiece / tip that is already available for the Gen2 herb atty!

The size of the jet stream glass and metal tips is too big for the standard 510 drip tips, but it is also too small for the 810-sized drip tips on my big smok x-baby tanks. Being in between those sizes, why don't we call them...
710 drip tips?

So it's time to test this thing out, Matt advised some relatively high TCR #s, so after some initial dry heat-ups and some rough, spotty IR measurements, it was time to load'n'go
I don't test brand new attys with sauce. Some lowly old dry crumbles will do. Less pressure to perform right away when mod settings are indeterminate.

This type of crumby crumble can be quite annoying to load on an open donut or the smaller QQ because it easily wants to fall under the donut in the cup where it isn't vaped right away, or under the quartz cup to the nether regions. This open bucket is perfect for loading this crap concentrate.

Skipping the dry try, I rigged up this simple GonG angled adapter to hook up that glass 18mm tip from the dry herb atty straight to my D-020-d9. Usually I would rig up a SonG connection for flexibility and compatibility with a greater array of mod sizes, but this setup just seemed too simple and right.
So after all this, how does it work?
Well it did work, although I didn't get the instant-super cloud like in Matt's vid. Maybe it was my more meager load of crumble more fitting of a prohibition-state regular working guy. I feel that my heat / TCR settings could have been better, and I inched it higher and higher to get more cloud without getting very harsh too. Maybe the wobble of the cup hurt the vapor output; perhaps the bucket can sit lower and actually contact the donut rather than be only in very close proximity?
Using the top airflow tubes, spinning it, and tilting & angling the mod during use to chase the oil around the bucket is fun and you can see the feedback & output of this through a glass globe topper like I have set up. I miss the open glass cap that lets you see your oil swirling like on the QQ though. The QQ glass top actually almost fits the V4 good, it fits over the bucket and the single air tube will point at the middle, but it won't seat all the way on the bottom of the 2 o-rings on the base.
I would love to give you guys a more solid up / down preview (not review) of this atty, but more extensive testing was cut short when my sole quartz bucket developed a big crack and chunk broke off after only 4 loads.

To be fair, this might have been partially "my bad" as I was attempting to pull a cheap-guy treat for myself, taking 4 or 5 "empty" raw garden jars and scraping up the last, saucy remnants to mix a big oily blob on the bucket. I used a steel needle to twirl small dabs of scooped sauce against the side wall of the cup several times. The needle with the cold, semi-hard sauce being rubbed laterally against the wobble-prone quartz cup so many times probably caused the crack.

And cheap, available, easy-to-replace parts should make a cracked bucket or busted donut NBD in the future.
So basically...this design looks to hold big promise, with these minor bugs being addressed, this could be a big bucket to compete with the best!

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