@Abysmal Vapor @sickmanfraud Checking out the TUBO now.
@Likes2vape Good note on the VapCap restriction, I'll try reading up more on this and trying to figure out something on the draw from the videos.
@Squiby Will check the thread out. I've been reading the last 15-20 pages in that big (900 pages?) VapCap thread but cant claim that the last pages had a huge amount of info in them. Was more people talking about their experience, which also is a great thing.
@Doktor Dub yeah the GH has been "semi recommended", for the exact reason you mention. It isn't an option as I'm very bad at returning shit and I'm in a nordic country. I can imagine that being a problem. I also kind of feel that there is no perfect solution, but what I'm looking for is the best good enough solution. I would how ever be a bit sad if the VapCap (+woodscents or induction) wouldn't come close considering peoples opinions about it. If I get the VapCap I will def give a review of how it works, and more especially, how it works in bed
This was my though too : "vapcap / woodscent: woodscent dry in bed, through water at a table, dry and with torch on the go?" I had a plan to run it wet in bed too though, but that is not a requirement.
@invertedisdead I thought it could be more dangerous cause of the cord being a good way to trip both the piece, the flowerpot and the enail heater over in a bad situation. Thanks for the input though, kind of messing with my mind as I would obviously love the FP
In regards to tolerance I'm not really sure what to say. I smoke a lot less than before, only smoke night time and on a normal day i do around 2x 0.3g or 3x 0.2g where the first number is the amount of bowls. So essentially my consumption is around 0.6-0.8g over 2 hours. The quality of the herb is probably one of the better ones in this country that you don't have to grow yourself.
@JJ420 Thing is that I wont be smoking anywhere else. Smoking is a way for me to unwind the day and enjoy it a little bit extra. It is only done night time and only in bed. So, I really wouldn't be driving that car, no matter how nice it is, if it doesn't have my cup holders. Like it was said before, I had the Volcano a few years back and I guess that is still a Ferrari (accordin to VC/Bud
)? I think i dropped 450-550$ at that point and I used it 3-4 times. It just didn't have the right cup holders 
Think that is all, hope I didn't miss someone.
@Likes2vape Good note on the VapCap restriction, I'll try reading up more on this and trying to figure out something on the draw from the videos.
@Squiby Will check the thread out. I've been reading the last 15-20 pages in that big (900 pages?) VapCap thread but cant claim that the last pages had a huge amount of info in them. Was more people talking about their experience, which also is a great thing.
@Doktor Dub yeah the GH has been "semi recommended", for the exact reason you mention. It isn't an option as I'm very bad at returning shit and I'm in a nordic country. I can imagine that being a problem. I also kind of feel that there is no perfect solution, but what I'm looking for is the best good enough solution. I would how ever be a bit sad if the VapCap (+woodscents or induction) wouldn't come close considering peoples opinions about it. If I get the VapCap I will def give a review of how it works, and more especially, how it works in bed

@invertedisdead I thought it could be more dangerous cause of the cord being a good way to trip both the piece, the flowerpot and the enail heater over in a bad situation. Thanks for the input though, kind of messing with my mind as I would obviously love the FP

@JJ420 Thing is that I wont be smoking anywhere else. Smoking is a way for me to unwind the day and enjoy it a little bit extra. It is only done night time and only in bed. So, I really wouldn't be driving that car, no matter how nice it is, if it doesn't have my cup holders. Like it was said before, I had the Volcano a few years back and I guess that is still a Ferrari (accordin to VC/Bud

Think that is all, hope I didn't miss someone.