Yocan Flick


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
I have a Yocan Flick arriving very soon. What is that, you may ask? It is an improved Yocan Hive in that it has exactly the same functions, except the Flick has a flip-top cover that protects the mouthpiece/product insert much like a Zippo lighter flip-top protects the flint wheel and wick from pocket waste. With the Flick there is no need to remove pocket fluff from the mechanism prior to taking a well deserved rip. It's a clean machine. See it here.

Like the Hive, the Yocan Flick is about 3.25 inches long (81mm), but is wider: 2.6 inches (67mm). Like the Hive, the Flick has two magnetic cartridge inserts for quick change: one for oil and one for concentrate. The magnets can be removed, and the inserts can be used on any 510 threaded device in a pinch.

I am not sure if the Flick has temperature control like the Hive 2.0. That is very important for me. I prefer variable control, so that I may find that temperature sweet spot for me.

I'll let you know how it works out.


Rhymenocerous ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
I have a Yocan Flick arriving very soon. What is that, you may ask? It is an improved Yocan Hive in that it has exactly the same functions, except the Flick has a flip-top cover that protects the mouthpiece/product insert much like a Zippo lighter flip-top protects the flint wheel and wick from pocket waste. With the Flick there is no need to remove pocket fluff from the mechanism prior to taking a well deserved rip. It's a clean machine. See it here.

Like the Hive, the Yocan Flick is about 3.25 inches long (81mm), but is wider: 2.6 inches (67mm). Like the Hive, the Flick has two magnetic cartridge inserts for quick change: one for oil and one for concentrate. The magnets can be removed, and the inserts can be used on any 510 threaded device in a pinch.

I am not sure if the Flick has temperature control like the Hive 2.0. That is very important for me. I prefer variable control, so that I may find that temperature sweet spot for me.

I'll let you know how it works out.
I'm curious what the "quartz coil" looks like if it's not the standard quartz rod/wick with a coil around it. I have to say I was ready to think the lid looked cheesy but I like it, looks like a great pocket vape if it performs well.
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Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
The Flick uses the same magnetic inserts which allows for quick change-outs as the Hives 1.0 and 2.0. I currently have a Hive 1.0. The single concentrate coil identifies itself to be 1.06 ohms. The oil cart indicates it is 1.30 ohms when attached to a box mod. I find I must pulse the oil cart, as for me, the Hive 1.0 runs hot. As for the concentrate cart, it works fine for what it is: a discrete way to take concentrate hits on-the-go. You wouldn't use it in place of a say, a Yocan Magneto or Evolve +. You would use it for quick discreet hits.

The Hives and the Flick seem to me to be an excellent device when discretion is your goal. With some extra carts, I can see it effortlessly emphasizing concentrate consumption on-the-go. I'm looking forward to giving the Hive 2.0 and the Flick a test drive. Both are coming soon.

So playing around with my Hive 1.0, I notice that one can use the same magnetic component to make commercial cartridges usable in the Hive. Why is that good? Just a different form factor for consumption in public.

Plastic tip O.pen-style atomizers may have too high resistance at 2.6 Ohms, but the metal tip resistance 1.9 and below seem to work.
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Well-Known Member
So I just got one of these for evaluation.....and I'm really impressed with it for what it is. At least the wax part, I didn't have much luck with the oil one yet. Hopefully different concentrates will do better?

Anyway, the 'oil burner' is pretty mundane I think, nothing really fancy. Just a solid, basic unit that you can count on to deliver on demand. Not the sort of think I'd use as a DD, but it seems ideal for 'top up hits' or stealth use when conditions demand.

I usually use a DT 2.5 cart on a TCR capable mod (IStick Power Nano usually due to it's small size). I usually set it at about 390F. Flick seems to be set for this same basic temperature looking at results.

The big advantage here I think is the cover. It keeps the MP clean without a cap to mess with. It can ride in a pocket ready to get pulled out, opened up, hit, closed and returned to your pocket in about as much time as it takes to read about it?

And it's small enough to 'palm'. Too bad about all the chrome. I know it looks good and all, but sometimes it's nice not to be noticed.

IMO this is 'just the ticket' to leave loaded, charged and ready to go with you keys and wallet. You can make the split second call to take it or not but if you do it's safely riding in a pocket, well protected, ready to serve if called on.

I've only had it for a bit over a day so far, but am impressed enough that I ordered a couple more wax carts so I can pack a loaded spare.......

One thing I wish had been included is a safety switch on the cover (to prevent it turning on with the cover closed). That way you wouldn't have to do the 'five push lock out' before you put it in your pocket (and therefore again when you want to use it). If the cover prevents accidents you can leave it turned on......

This one isn't all that fancy, or feature filled, but it seems a very solid, low cost, high performance basic vape with clever packaging. From a maker with a growing reputation in the area. If you're in the market for such things, I suggest this one might be the one?



Well-Known Member
You know, while 'testing' in the garden earlier today (it did just fine.....) another lame 'this would be better if' came to mind.

I think if there was a seal in the cover that would come down around (over) the MP and seal on the top plate you could 100% contain the smell with the cover closed? That is this guy looks like it gets its intake air down past the cart from above. Or easily could. Not much smell tends to 'backflow' in these sorts of guys anyway, but capping it against the top plate isolates the intakes along with the MP.

Still, a very handy and effective thing when 'in it's element'.

FWIW I ordered a Hive 2.0 to compare it to. I like the cover so Flick is a keeper I think, but the variable power (3 steps) on Hive looks fun and it comes with two more carts which are useful no matter.



Well-Known Member
I got the Hive 2.0 (base for this version) to try out. The variable power is nice, hopefully it'll happen in a Flick 2.0? Perhaps including an interlock on the cover so it can't fire up with the cover down?

Flick is wider, by a fair bit. Hive is 1.14 inches (at least this one is....), my Flick is 1.42 inches. A bit over a quarter inch doesn't sound like much, but in your hand there's an advantage size wise with Hive I think.

Having spare wax carts loaded and ready to swap out is nice, consider it.

It shuts the power off without warning. I'm able to measure the actual charge used. For instance, Hive 2.0 might have a 650 mAh cell in it, but you can only use 450 of that (from cutoff to full charge). I haven't done Flick yet, but expect about the same. This (claims higher than what's really available) is common.

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Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
I received my Flick for review. Some parts arrived broken. The oil/insert glass tube is broken down the length of the tube. So, since it uses same as the Hive 1.0, which I do have, I loaded the oil tube in a charged Flick. It works just like the Hive 1.0. Personally, I find the Flick, like the Hive 1.0, runs hot, at least for the type of oil I'm using. For concentrates, however, the Flick and Hive 1.0 work just fine. I have a Hive 2.0 on order that should arrive soon.


Well-Known Member
I received my Flick for review. Some parts arrived broken. The oil/insert glass tube is broken down the length of the tube.

Bummer, but good you had a replacement handy (and loaded no less.....).

Also interesting. You are, I think, the third reviewer I've read that had this happen? One fellow loaded it and ran anyway, I don't recall the other. Why?

I'm thinking this is the one that's loaded (too bad, the wax cart is sure to be tougher but not as 'showy'? And it assuredly doesn't happen regularly with Hive (or it would be fixed?). Here's my guess: I think inertia is 'throwing' it against the lid in shipment. It's tight in there, I measure about .050, a bit over 1mm) but I can see how hitting the deck hard enough 'upside down' could pull it loose from the magnet holding it down and let it slam into the inside of the cover?

If I were they I'd confirm it's a problem, then load the wax cart in new units until I got it under control. If they have to replace even a small percentage of them that's very bad news in a low cost high volume cutthroat market like this.

I'm continuing to enjoy mine.



Bummer, but good you had a replacement handy (and loaded no less.....).

Also interesting. You are, I think, the third reviewer I've read that had this happen? One fellow loaded it and ran anyway, I don't recall the other. Why?

I'm thinking this is the one that's loaded (too bad, the wax cart is sure to be tougher but not as 'showy'? And it assuredly doesn't happen regularly with Hive (or it would be fixed?). Here's my guess: I think inertia is 'throwing' it against the lid in shipment. It's tight in there, I measure about .050, a bit over 1mm) but I can see how hitting the deck hard enough 'upside down' could pull it loose from the magnet holding it down and let it slam into the inside of the cover?

If I were they I'd confirm it's a problem, then load the wax cart in new units until I got it under control. If they have to replace even a small percentage of them that's very bad news in a low cost high volume cutthroat market like this.

I'm continuing to enjoy mine.


YOCAN sell these cheap XL unit's that kick my SHINY METAL ASS?

My photo is poorly taken however you know what I mean?
@Yocantech what do you make that is best?

@macbill same ?

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Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
For me, having a clean cart delivers the best hit whether it's Yocan Cerum on a mod, Yocan Evolve Plus, Yocan EXgo W4, Yocan Magneto or the Yocan Torch on glass. I don't own the 4-coil device: my lungs have enough trouble with 2. The carts all clean up nice in boiling alcohol and a light brushing, followed by a blast from canned air to blow remaining crap away. Clean captures the best taste.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
My Hive 2.0 arrived with replacement concentrate carts (atomizers). I can't wait to try out the variable temp, but I must. I've come down with a bad cold & cough, and my lungs sound as if the Devil himself and 40 evil spirits are trying to get out. Hits are out of the question, as it will send me into a lung-splitting coughing fit.
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