Hey everyone our 20% off Labor Day sale is running from Sept. 1st - 4th. 5% of sales will be donated to Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund.

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thanks you !!
my SBJ will taking a week as to get home ... I have a long wait ...![]()
Nice one.Hey everyone our 20% off Labor Day sale is running from Sept. 1st - 4th. 5% of sales will be donated to Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund.
That was pretty fucking ridiculous! Just ordered a Flip Brick on their Labor Day Sale......if it works like I suspect it will, I'll probably step up to a Junior in due time......It's always nice to go through different learning curves and explore the sweet spot of each device. This shows my third bowl with my new SBJ, first time with a long mouthpice of my herboizer bubbler. I noticed that i prefer the better visual control with this setup. Handling the vaping process with the butan lighter near my face with a shorter mouthpice feels a little bit unhandy for me and i'm getting better results with a bigger distance between mouthpeace and heat intake... using it with a water tool works also fine.
It's always nice to go through different learning curves and explore the sweet spot of each device. This shows my third bowl with my new SBJ, first time with a long mouthpice of my herboizer bubbler. I noticed that i prefer the better visual control with this setup. Handling the vaping process with the butan lighter near my face with a shorter mouthpice feels a little bit unhandy for me and i'm getting better results with a bigger distance between mouthpeace and heat intake... using it with a water tool works also fine.
You're kicking butt @vapmanjoe but slow down a bit.
Those initial moments of a hit before it starts clouding up are the best.
I wouldn't be quite so aggressive with the flame.
I'm going to second @duff , he's on it here, but I'm going to go crass and be blunt.
The best way I've heard it put, and it's harsh, but feels very true here, is..... You just fucked her fine, but when you know what you're doing, you'll make love to her".
You've some feel for it, you backed off and could see what you were doing, that was obvious. But you ran right in there and got after it. When you learn her slow dance, she'll reward you.
You're at the door, don't be shy
I'll have to hit the trails in in the next couple days & take some pictures of it. There's a face on the top portion w/ stoned eyes & a sloppy grin.It's like I'm looking in the mirror!
I have now. I've found 3 things so far regarding this.Haven't had any wood taste I can detect.
Ordered the WPA yesterday, & I'm thinking of getting that black flame intake Sneaky Pete sells. Not sure if I'll try the Mighty dosing capsule mod. I know a Firefly 2 concentrate pad should fit, but I'm more interested right now in trying a little dab sandwich style. Someone on Reddit said they had good success doing this, & I believe someone here did as well. The 2 hour finale of Twin Peaks is on tonight so I think it should be a perfect opportunity to try out 'trates w/ the Jr. @Vapor_Eyes You need to catch up bro! It's getting sick!If I end up digging it I'll definitely have to get the WPA.
It's funny @Morty, but I suspect all SBJ owners know what you are talking about. It seriously makes my mouth salivate when I think about it.I hit it right on the money, & I get this combination of the green & a little sweetness of the maple mixed together that is absolutely DELICIOUS!!! I've only been able to do it a handful of times, but man alive, it's fucking flavorful.![]()
Am I the only one who sees a stoned Batman ?Waaaaaay Cool Junior!!!!! You know, that horrible song from 80's hair metal band Ratt. Not my type of Rock, but every time I use this this thing those damn lyrics pop in my head.![]()
The little "waterfall" behind the Jr
I have now. I've found 3 things so far regarding this.
1) If I don't hit it correctly, & don't get any vapor, I'll get this mild woody taste that isn't bad, but something I don't consider to be the greatest either.
2) I hit it good, & I don't get any wood taste at all. Just the taste of the bud.
3) I hit it right on the money, & I get this combination of the green & a little sweetness of the maple mixed together that is absolutely DELICIOUS!!! I've only been able to do it a handful of times, but man alive, it's fucking flavorful.
@duff I know you say this one of the best tasting vapes you've tried. In my short & limited vaping journey (tried a Herbalizer & my 1st balloon last week), I'm not sure if I'd say it's THE tastiest, but it's w/out a doubt in the top 3. Easily. When you hit it just right, that taste. That flava. Yowzas!
In the 1st 5 days w/ my SBJ, I've combusted a few loads![]()
, & scorched a few as well. But I'm having real good success too & am getting more consistent results everyday. I've been mainly using @Vapor_Eyes draw technique w/ some other slower draw experimentations. Been messing a lot w/ grind variations as well.
Had my 1st "Sticky Brick moment" a few days ago. Loaded her up to the 1st ridge w/ a fine grind & a few seconds in I know I've totally combusted. I blow out this ginormous cloud (that seemed to last forever) that didn't taste like combustion. Check the bowl, no burning, no scorching, nothing. Everything still pretty much green! Most of the terps were gone after that 1st hit, but I got like 3 or 4 more fat hits after.
Oh, & the signature. I already raved about it previously, but I fucking LOVE the signature. Very hard hitting. Very heavy. It's my favorite thing about this vape! Love, love, love the signature!
Ordered the WPA yesterday, & I'm thinking of getting that black flame intake Sneaky Pete sells. Not sure if I'll try the Mighty dosing capsule mod. I know a Firefly 2 concentrate pad should fit, but I'm more interested right now in trying a little dab sandwich style. Someone on Reddit said they had good success doing this, & I believe someone here did as well. The 2 hour finale of Twin Peaks is on tonight so I think it should be a perfect opportunity to try out 'trates w/ the Jr. @Vapor_Eyes You need to catch up bro! It's getting sick!BOB says so.
Am I the only one who sees a stoned Batman ?![]()
Hey SBJr. and FlowerPot fans...
Where is your god now?![]()
You've got to try it!
I see it! Holy shit, I can't believe I haven't noticed that till now. Too much SBJ perhaps.Am I the only one who sees a stoned Batman ?That is one lovely JR, nice pale colour on it
Honestly, it's a tossup for 2nd between the SBJ & the Sup loaded up w/ a few nugs at 300°F through a j-hook. The best taste I've gotten yet is when I invert the Vapolution 2.0 stems I use w/ the SV3 like this.Out of curiosity, what are your other top two taste-wise?
http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/supreme-vaporizer.317/page-138#post-1155325I inverted the Vapolution 2.0 Straight Stem to hold more & loaded it up w/ 6 or 7 chunks using a nug plug. Inserted halfway through heating at 160° & had it peak at 335°F. OMFG. Without a doubt the BEST tasting hit of flower I've had to this point in my life. Tasted just like cotton candy! The nug plug didn't hold though & the suction caused the bud to fall back to the pinch in the stem. Tried it a few more times (w/ & w/o water), and had success every time. The bud looks like its been gently scrubbed of some terps, but still green as fuck & ready to be used for a high temp hit. My favorite way to flavor chase w/ the SV3.
I'm thinking of getting that black flame intake Sneaky Pete sells. Not sure if I'll try the Mighty dosing capsule mod. I know a Firefly 2 concentrate pad should fit, but I'm more interested right now in trying a little dab sandwich style. Someone on Reddit said they had good success doing this, & I believe someone here did as well. The 2 hour finale of Twin Peaks is on tonight so I think it should be a perfect opportunity to try out 'trates w/ the Jr. @Vapor_Eyes You need to catch up bro! It's getting sick!BOB says so.
Oh it's a thing all right.I had no idea this was a thing.
Am I the only one who sees a stoned Batman ?That is one lovely JR, nice pale colour on it
I see it! Holy shit, I can't believe I haven't noticed that till now. Too much SBJ perhaps.That's awesome. And ty for the compliment on jr.
Honestly, it's a tossup for 2nd between the SBJ & the Sup loaded up w/ a few nugs at 300°F through a j-hook. The best taste I've gotten yet is when I invert the Vapolution 2.0 stems I use w/ the SV3 like this.
I said terps above, but meant trichs. It's awesome. It's just so much flavor all at one time. The SBJ is a perfect companion to my Sup! I call mine, "The Unregulator". Unregulators! Mount up!
Edit: Thanks for the kind words @Vapor_Eyes ! Episode 8. The birth of Bob! Wrong thread I know, but were those 2 young kids on a date at the end of that episode Leiland & Sarah ? I think...yes ? Got a light ?
Edit: @duff
1) SV3 w/ inverted Vapo2 stem filled to the brink w/ nugs inserted halfway through heating
2a) Waaaaaay cool Junior
2b) SV3 w/ three or 4 nugs, dry through a j-hook in the low 300's
3) Snoop Dogg G Pen
Oh, and when I back to back session the SBJ & the SV3 used convection style, I shit you not, they make my head feel fuzzy like the afterglow of those old school bong rip sessions. It's fucking amazeballs!