sorry, he goes by " vapelife x"
he uses a larger screen,placed on the upper rim of bowl, using just enough herb to cover screen. I thought it was one of the best how to/sticky brick vids that I saw.
I got some lovely draws that blew out nice clouds but they were totally scorched.
howdy...I hope you can help me out

answering your questions:
1)it has been combusting from the beginning and pretty much everytime(I don't remember it not combusting)
2)I'm using the enclosed lighter and was using it on it's original setting but tried different adjustments. I'll probably buy another lighter today. Draws: I draw fairly slow until I get a hit. Sometimes, I'd get a beautiful session of puffs but the contents are always black(but not ashy or smelly). I was using wispr2, which is a slow draw and the remaining contents were always a dark brown. It's difficult to describe my draws,lol.....but I'm long time doper, smoked plenty of chillums,etc.
3)unfortunately, yes
4)yep, I stir it alot because I want to see what's happening to the contents.
something else I want to mention: in Sneaky Pete's you tube vid, he shows how clean the glass mouth piece is clean after several uses. Mine gets pretty brown with droplets of resin inside the glass tube.
I hope this all makes sense.