Got my order 3 days ago and jr has kept me busy ever since. Thought it's about time I came up for some air and share my thoughts. Big thank you's go out to
@StickyBricks for making this beautiful beast and Randy at Puffitup for selecting such a gorgeous spalted maple model for me per my request. I can't explain how impress I am, even more shockingly my wife adores it. It is the only vape I'm allowed to keep out bc my wife just wants to stare at it, turning it over and over in her hand

. She doesn't vape and isn't dazzled by anything I've purchased so far besides my ti woody.
THE VAPOR OUT OF JR IS SO ABSOLUTELY MIND BLOWING. I have memory lapses from the last 3 days and I kid you not. I love the ritual of disassembling jr for a joyride and then reassembling it back to this amazing looking display piece. The vapor comes in so smooth and cool I am shocked how much I had inhaled each and every time still. Earlier on I was very concerned about how the wood would affect the taste of the vapor, after my first session I prayed that wood scent would never leave. It's a very delicate aroma, smells like fresh cut bamboo to me. I would love to have that smell forever there.
Last night after watching all this hydrobrick porn I decided to hook jr up to my fc188 and see what all this water filtration hype is about. Oh my, oh my

, let me say I know what I'll be getting next for my collection

. The rest of the night was very fuzzy after that, I woke up this morning and saw a scorch mark on my beautiful friend. I'm so devastated at the damage I've done in that moment of abandon

. Please someone give me a tip on how I can remove the blackened stain. It's at eye level so each time I use jr I have to look at it and relive my stupid mistake.
Look forward to posting some photos once I figure out how