Hey all my donut brothers and sisters.... last week, I received my shipment of those new glass adapters that OF was talking about earlier, and with these new pieces, I feel like many of my glass & silicon connections for my DT donuts are
almost perfect! 
At lease from a functional sense, I cannot ask for much more. My silicon hoses and tubes are almost obsolete for me now, as connectors to the atomizer base. I've been using these new glass connectors alot, and I wanna show you all some possible ways to utilize them.
the familiar, venerable PPWT has never connected to a DT atomizer base so easily and naturally. Steven's old method of using the v2.5 MP with a silicon MP over the tip to use this 14mm hydra tube worked well for a long time with the v2.5, and also with the v3.0, with 1/2" silicon hose, but this is much nicer and easier to put on and off the atty base. Just be careful to pick it up from the bottom, by the mod or atty, not by the glass.
To the right is one of my old aquamizers, with the legacy 1/2" silicon hose adapter. I still like these little bubblers so I will continue using them, although the silicon connector doesn't slip over the base (minus o-rings) with such gliding ease as the new glass adapters, it's still manageable.
This is one of my first micro-bubblers, for the old pen-style micro-skillet glass globe type atomizers. Ever since the v2.0 donuts, I haven't been able to use this little piece reliably, even with the silicon strip. But now, with the tapered 18mm male joint, I can fuse the 2 pieces together firmly, and mount it on top a v3 atty, and even balance the whole thing on a tiny evic basic!
All 3 of these little bubblers hit surprisingly well for their small size, and I've particularly enjoyed the throwback vape of this little bell-shaped micro-vaped bubbler, thanks to the new glass adapters!
Now, large hydratubes...this is the only one I have. I bought it at Steve's recommendation, many months back. I have tried it a few times with the v2.5 donuts, but I didn't like it that much, at least compared to my rigs. But I do love using it for flowers, with my arizer EQ.
I think I remember Steve saying this tube with doesn't get much of any recycler action going with the v2.5 donuts. And after I used it with the v3s now, I can't really get the water to cycle either, no matter how high or low I set the water. So it does work as a hydratube, but it would hit much easier and smoother if it cycled, so I don't plan on using this one with my donuts in the future. The recycle does work fine when hooked up to my arizer, because of the much higher airflow on the desktop vape, I must assume, so there's no inherent problem with this hydratube.

So I guess I'm just posting this to show how any of your 18mm female hydratubes you may already own can suddenly attach to the v3.0 donuts!

And speaking of recycle... I must trot out my tired squad of dab rigs you've seen a million times before

But now each one has it's own glass adapter for a v3 donut permanently attached,
now with keck clips too! 

Slipping the mods on & off the connections to the rig has never been easier now!
Deo, my casual, everyday matrix bubbler that hits super hard for it's compact size. It's essentially a conventional, dab-rig version of the same 18mm hydratube that Matt has for sale now, so I would figure it's performance would be just about the same, with only the difference being in how you hold the whole apparatus (and you can easily see the screen on your mod during use with mine)
Dabitha, my honeycomb rig that I use just for co2. I could get that evic to stand up more straighter if I sourced a 90* glass elbow that is just a bit taller, but I'm ok with how it sits right now. Better than with that super tall-neck adapter I had on it earlier
Dabby, my oldest and probably favoritest glass piece.
And my still un-named klein torus mini-rig.
Here's a closeup of the SonG adapter that connects between my rig and the v3 base. Instead of my big custom bulbs of dabbing that I use, you can use a simple, short 18mm male / 18mm male elbow, or a 18mm male / 14mm male elbow, for 1/2" or 1/4" tubing, respectively.
You can also get 14 or 18mm male elbows with a straight tube to attach a hose also. You have alot of options.
Hey, folks!
This is a great little tool I just discovered for loading those balls of shatter on the donut. Nice and sharp so the oil does not run, screws into itself for cleanliness during storage. it's made by Titaner. You can find it at most camping/tacticool stores by using Google. Cost is $15 and it's supposedly Gr2 Ti. it's supposed to be a toothpick but we know better lol.
Thanx for you post. I use needle like tipped tools and you inspired me to do a little research and I believe I just fell upon a gem. First I looked into retractable toothpicks, like the kind you push and pull to open and close like a box cutter. Wow, I found beautiful SILVER retractable toothpicks that seems to be designed exactly for my dabbing needs.
Nice find on the titanium toothpicks. Although I'm getting by just fine with using little needles on the road and dental picks at home right now, I could see these things being a better tool for donuts.
One thing I would like to have in a retractable Ti toothpick would be having the sleeve in which it retracts into not being really tight and flush with the pick, at least at the end?
Because when using the pick, the tip will get a little oily, and have a few leftover crumbs, or reclaim oil on the tip, if you use it to stir the oil on your donut. This oil isn't bad to me, and I would want to re-use it, and not wipe the tip of the pick clean after every single use.
If the body of the tool where the pick goes into is really tight and flush with the pick, the oil on the tip would get smeared and the whole thing will get foul and gunky.

If there's just enough air and empty space around the cylinder where the pick slips into, the oily tip of the pick won't be smeared and can be used continuously with no wiping.

Even if retracted
That last one that Steve posted looks like I wouldn't like it for that reason. Maybe someone can find a retractable metal pick with these properties? I would probably have to buy one, around the $15 buck range? Thanks.
Have you tried the dual 7mm donut atomizer for the Cubis Pro Mini that Donkey made?
Finally got my med delivery the other night, and it had my PopNaturals order... made a rookie mistake loading mine the 1st time around, but corrected it and it's still kicking butt. Load through the SLOTS.
This thing is effin' AWESOME, I LOVE IT!!!
Break yours out, load up the tank and give it a few rips, it's bloody brilliant
I'm going to endeavor to keep my tank full of 1-1 ratio PopNaturals CO2 oil
Thanks again Vape Donkey!
For sure, I'm happy to see you finally got this little thing vaping for you. Gotta remember not to open it when it's full of oil, though. glycerin is somewhat conductive, but cannabis oil is not, and it blocks the contact on that 510 pin real easily.

These tanks aren't designed with co2 oil in mind, but they've been working great for me, when easy mistakes are avoided
This is what he's talking about, for those that are confused:
And installed in their cubis pro mini tank with the matching evic basic:
This was my latest tank that I promised myself I would make for CBD co2 oil, and I've been loving this little guy

It's become my most favored tank. You can read
the whole account over here if you're so inclined.
But it just goes to show how versatile and effective ceramic donuts can be. I still want to see how Matt's possible experiment with this coil and a runny live resin might work out if he tries it. No word on that yet, I guess he's busy doing his divine tribe thing, and being Matt, for now
I don't feel rich enough to put 2g of runny "HTFSCE" (actually hard for me to source also) on this tank and it could be hard to load up, but at least we know it works great with co2 oil.
I also see you guys experimenting with the large donuts mounted in different RDA decks and bodies, quite interesting. It's something I've thought of myself, but I never got around to attempting, partially for not knowing which deck / RDA to try or which might work well with the new v3 cups.
Tanks are only part of my interest, so I'll keep an eye open for different RDA / RDTAs that look like they may be well suited to donuts of different sizes.

Hopefully we can find something even better than the cubis pro mini tanks that can accommodate the 10 & 13mm donuts, for tanks or dripping. If it's potentially much better than what I'm using now, I want to try it!