In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I don't get it.....he has recently Trumpeted a truckload of derogatory statements that touched on every demographic, including those who drool when saying his name. None of it got the reaction that something he said over a decade ago has.
Was it the content of that 2005 video alone? Was it the accumulation of recent bat shit statements plus the 2005 recording that finally tipped the 'that's too far' scale? It can't be just derogatory, vulgar comments about women because he filled that quota before the video came out.
Whatever it was....thank goodness for it.
There have been recommendations that he should quit and let Pence take it from here. I say...Hell No! That could turn this into a real race and that's the last thing I want to see happen.
Trump may take off the gloves in the next debate and double down on aggression and borderline statements since trying to be 'presidential' is HRC's game and he knows he can't beat her at it. This makes the debate on Sunday must see T.V. for even the most uninterested political voyeur.

Was it the content of that 2005 video alone? Was it the accumulation of recent bat shit statements plus the 2005 recording that finally tipped the 'that's too far' scale? It can't be just derogatory, vulgar comments about women because he filled that quota before the video came out.
Whatever it was....thank goodness for it.
There have been recommendations that he should quit and let Pence take it from here. I say...Hell No! That could turn this into a real race and that's the last thing I want to see happen.
Trump may take off the gloves in the next debate and double down on aggression and borderline statements since trying to be 'presidential' is HRC's game and he knows he can't beat her at it. This makes the debate on Sunday must see T.V. for even the most uninterested political voyeur.