@mrbonsai420 @SamuraiSam @Monsoon
Well guys, I have a sad tale to tell about Greenlight Vapes G9 enail controller.
In a word, it sucks at holding temperature and Greenlight sucks in how they prep'd this unit and are supporting it.
First of all, communicating with them is awful. Ok, its China, its 12 hours out in time zone (more or less), and I don't speak Chinese. Oh, did I mention that either over there or over hear, emails seems to be routinely blocked but we got gmail to work (who knows).
But the real issue as that, after checking all settings and ensuring that they are right (for example, Greenlight did NOT have PID turned on!!

), the temperature stability sucks with -11 and up to +21 degrees F under/overshoot. This is after running autotune (multiple times) and multiple heat up cycles and plenty of time at temperature soak.
I did verify that mine has an Omron E5CC-QX part number is just exactly what you would want....output to external solid state relay and for use with USA electrical power.
Here it is:
But I started looking for the external SSR. Where is it? Could this be it (
@mrbonsai420, this is what your looks like also I believe):
Well, the answer is no, this is a Flextronics USB power adapter, which is kind of obvious as it provides a UBS plug on the outside of the box, but I looked it up anyway. See here for part number:
You will notice that there is no other devices in this box...just the Omron, the UBS power adapter, main power plug, and on/off switch.
So, the E5CC is made to drive an external SSR. Where is the fucking relay for power to the coil??
As you can see in this diagram, SSR should be on pin 1 & 2 on the Omron. This would be the two pins in the lower left hand corner which have NOTHING ATTACHED TO THEM!
This is further clearly shown in the Omron manual for the QX
But here is a picture of my Omron pins...pins 1 & 2 are in the lower left hand corner
However, those two contacts in the upper left hand corner with red wires soldered to them are aux outputs.....what they hell are they using these for??
Not only is the performance, I believe, completely unsatisfactory, I can't even figure out how they are getting it to work at all.
I will note that I do hear an audible 'click' when heater turns on/off which I should think is a mechanical relay but I don't know where the hell that would be either....don't see it in the box at all
Questions please, gentlemen:
What is the over/under shoot you are having with your Omron E5CC controllers after heat soak (when stable at temperature). I just want to know what my expectations should be.
Do you hear an audible clicking with heater on/off cycling AND do you know for a fact that you have an SSR in there? I don't think SSR's make noise but...I'm open to be schooled.
I am very disatisfied, I think a 30 degree range from over to undershoot is ludicrius for any controller box using an industrial temp controller like a PID Omron.
Any insights you can offer would be very welcomed.
Thank you and sorry for the long post but I don't know how to further compress it.