Yocan hit no atomizer error

My yocan hit wouldn't work, it says no atomizer and refuses to heat up. I don't know what could be causing the issue since it was working just fine, and it completed the last session with no problem. After this, I open the chamber to look how was the herb since it has a bad habit of combusting sometimes, even at low temperatures like 350ish (it depends on how well I grind the herb, how dry it is, and how often I stir. It is avoidable but you have to be careful). Up until that point everything was ok, but the next time I tried to heat it up it showed that message
It really isn't a great vape but I don't have money for something better (and there aren't many options in my country). I will try to take it to the store to see if they respect the warranty, which is very unlikely, but I can't until next week due to the elections in my country.
I haven't found much information on how to fix it on the internet (or much information about it at all) so I have no idea of how to open it up to begin with. If anyone here knows how to fix this, or at least how to open it up (I suspect some wire has unwelded due to the heat, and that could be easily solved) it would be very useful if you could comment about it
Thanks for the help!!
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