Wow, last night was intense!


Lost in Thought
And I cant tell if it was related to how effing stoned I was. I in essence got what people call 'the whirlies' when they get to a level of stonedness in which the room gets goofy and your equilibrium gets out of whack. I didnt vape any more than Im used to, but I guess the fact that I did it so late in the day and it was my first vape of the day (I think I might have drank some wandhashwash too)...

But yeah, it just reminded me of a time when I was in the Navy with a trash bag tied to my beltloop and a pocket full of saltines. (We always got to sortie when a hurricane came to town) At any rate, there was this Senior Chief who was fine as can be. He was never bothered by the 'rock' of the ship (side to side rolls) but when the ship started to yaw (forward rolls) he said he lost his lunch.

Last night was a very yawed night. I felt like I was doing front and back flips in my recliner.

Anyone else get like this on occasion?


Sweet Dreams Babycakes
Do you mean like throwing a whitey? (face goes very pale, room spins and end up with head down toilet)?

Maybe once or twice a year it catches me off guard. When it does happen I can end up sleeping on cold bathroom floor, it can take me a long time to come round, and as you say not from having had any more than usual.


Well-Known Member
I had experiences like that the first 2 weeks I started vaping. Now, I only have trips like that with really potent buds. Or if I've had a few beers then vape. Alcohol really potentiates the effects for me, but I hate the trashy feeling after.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've gotten like that from eating herb or from being really high from smoking it.

I don't puke and it really doesn't bother me since I just go with it. I've never gotten this from vaping but vaping for me is just taking a hit or two from the MFLB and enjoying the THC. How much did you vape and which vaporizer did you use? Or did you smoke or eat herb?


Lost in Thought
Yeah, Im a regular vaper so its kind of odd when all of the vapes are in allignment and I get caught off guard like that. Edibles (i.e. Swampwater) or too many brownies can usually get me to that point. Thats usually a really rare occasion to get that trashed while vaping. (Thank you SV!) :ko:
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