Why vaporizer (box style) are inclined that much?

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Well-Known Member
I wonder why vaporiser using a box style such as an easyvape are inclined that much? I mean where we connect our whipe, there is an inclinaison and that makes the weed fall down often.

What's the reason if the inclinaison?



Serial vapist
Yeah, something i've been wondering since I first started looking into them too. At first i thought "well, its probably because hot air rises and the vaporizer needs to make use of that to keep the herb heated right?". But when i found out thats not true i was like "wtf then? havent they heard of gravity?". One of the main reasons i got a DBV. But even having it level isnt enough sometimes, so i traded in for a SSV, and i dont feel at odds with gravity and physics every time i vape now.


Well-Known Member
I believe that VaporBros stated that the reason that they designed it that way was to help to keep the box from tipping over along with keeping the wand attached.


vapor accessory addict
I think the tipping over part might be a bit of a stretch, but the wand staying attached is probably right. I have a Hot Box which has a horizontal connection and you really can't call it hands free. It doesn't seem to be very popular on this forum, probably because it's fixed temp and not hands free, but it works well for me in situations where I have several people to share with. :2c:
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