Why Nancy Pelosi is Right to Slam Obama's War on Pot


Herbal Alchemist

Pelosi's willingness to call out Obama over the huge gap between his administration's actions and past pledges shows how important and popular an issue medical marijuana really is.

May 4, 2012


President Barack Obama’s emphasis on raiding medical marijuana dispensaries drew a rebuke from none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) this week, who warned in a prepared statement that she has “strong concerns” about her political ally’s policy.
Since President Barack Obama took office, “more than 200″ state-approved medical marijuana facilities have been raided, according to Kris Hermes, spokesperson for Americans for Safe Access (ASA), who spoke to Raw Story on Thursday.

“That exceeds the number of raids his predecessor, George W. Bush, oversaw during his entire eight years in office,” he said.

The startling statistic wasn’t lost on Pelosi either, whose statement comes just days after she received a petition by marijuana patients in her district.

“I have strong concerns about the recent actions by the federal government that threaten the safe access of medicinal marijuana to alleviate the suffering of patients in California, and undermine a policy that has been in place under which the federal government did not pursue individuals whose actions complied with state laws providing for medicinal marijuana,” she said.

“Proven medicinal uses of marijuana include improving the quality of life for patients with cancer, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and other severe medical conditions,” she added. “I am pleased to join organizations that support legal access to medicinal marijuana, including the American Nurses Association, the Lymphoma Foundation of America, and the AIDS Action Council. Medicinal marijuana alleviates some of the most debilitating symptoms of AIDS, including pain, wasting, and nausea. The opportunity to ease the suffering of people who are seriously ill or enduring difficult and painful therapies is an opportunity we must not ignore.”

“We applaud Pelosi’s leadership in urging President Obama to address medical marijuana as a public health issue,” ASA Executive Director Steph Sherer said in a media advisory. “Rather than defending a policy of intolerance, President Obama should end his unnecessary and harmful attacks once and for all.”

“The fact that a Democratic congressional leader like Nancy Pelosi is willing to call out a president from her own party over the huge gap between his administration’s actions and its previous written pledges shows just how important and popular an issue medical marijuana really is,” added Nate Bradley, a former California police officer and current medical marijuana patient who works for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. “Hopefully other elected representatives from California and other medical marijuana states will soon call on the president to get control of his federal agencies and stop breaking his campaign promises. It sure would be nice to hear Gov. Jerry Brown finally stand up in defense of our state’s duly enacted laws.”

Pelosi, who has long supported medical marijuana, is not alone in rebuking the Obama administration’s medical marijuana raids, but she is the highest ranking official to do so thus far.

The San Francisco Democratic Party passed a resolution (PDF) last week calling for Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to curb the raids, and nine other members of Congress wrote the administration late last year demanding more respect for states’ rights with regards to marijuana. There’s also a bill in the house, put forward by Reps. Barney Frank (D-MA) and Ron Paul (R-TX), that would allow individual states to set their own policies with regards to marijuana.

They’ve got the American people behind them, too: a Gallup poll last year found that a record high 50 percent of Americans favor legalizing marijuana and regulating it like alcohol. When asked about medical marijuana in a prior Gallup survey, the approval rating jumped to 70 percent.

Despite all the pressure, Obama — who’s admitted to trying marijuana previously — has said repeatedly he does not support legalization.


Out to lunch
Labeling Obama as anti-marijuana in an election year isn't very smart IMO. I don't know what Pelosi's thinking. It's not gonna convert any GOP voters, and some dumbass mj users are likely to vote for Romney without checking his stance-

“I believe marijuana should be illegal in our country. It is the pathway to drug usage by our society, which is a great scourge -- which is one of the great causes of crime in our cities, and I believe we are at a state where, of course, we are very concerned about people who are suffering, and there are various means of providing pain management.”
“People talk about medicinal marijuana. And you know, you hear that story that people who are sick need medicinal marijuana. But marijuana is the entry drug for people trying to get kids hooked on drugs. I don't want medicinal marijuana; there are synthetic forms of marijuana that are available for people who need it for prescription. Don't open the doorway to medicinal marijuana.”
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Herbal Alchemist
Labeling Obama as anti-marijuana in an election year isn't very smart IMO. I don't know what Pelosi's thinking. It's not gonna convert any GOP voters, and some dumbass mj users are likely to vote for Romney without checking his stance-

“I believe marijuana should be illegal in our country. It is the pathway to drug usage by our society, which is a great scourge -- which is one of the great causes of crime in our cities, and I believe we are at a state where, of course, we are very concerned about people who are suffering, and there are various means of providing pain management.”
“People talk about medicinal marijuana. And you know, you hear that story that people who are sick need medicinal marijuana. But marijuana is the entry drug for people trying to get kids hooked on drugs. I don't want medicinal marijuana; there are synthetic forms of marijuana that are available for people who need it for prescription. Don't open the doorway to medicinal marijuana.”

I see what you are saying. Both Obama and Romney are dead set against cannabis. I hope people really know about Romney by now. His image is so bad they are now showing a Romney political commercial talking about he saved some guys daughter. So what? How will that make him a good president, or help with the nations critical problems? They are desperate to make him look good to people.


Out to lunch
I am surprised about this- “more than 200″ state-approved medical marijuana facilities have been raided, according to Kris Hermes, spokesperson for Americans for Safe Access (ASA), who spoke to Raw Story on Thursday.

“That exceeds the number of raids his predecessor, George W. Bush, oversaw during his entire eight years in office,” he said

The reality is that no candidate for major political office is going to paint himself/herself as in favor of mj. The time will come when this won't be so, but it ain't gonna be real soon IMO. The government demonized it and made it illegal in 1937 and we aren't gonna erase 75 yrs. of propaganda without a struggle. I do think medical mj is here to stay, although there will be setbacks and injustices to overcome. And IMO years and years of medical mj being around, more or less accepted, will be the foot in the door we need to at least decriminalize it nationwide, which I think is the next big step.
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Herbal Alchemist
I am surprised about this- “more than 200″ state-approved medical marijuana facilities have been raided, according to Kris Hermes, spokesperson for Americans for Safe Access (ASA), who spoke to Raw Story on Thursday.

“That exceeds the number of raids his predecessor, George W. Bush, oversaw during his entire eight years in office,” he said

I know! It's crazy!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know what Pelosi's thinking.

I've thought this exact same thing on more than a few things that she's come up with like, "Natural gas is a cheap alternative to fossil fuels" or "You have to pass a bill to find out what's in it", which will live in infamy.


vapor accessory addict
lwien, I was thinking the same exact thing! When I first saw this I thought to myself, "if it was only someone other that Pelosi..."

Tea Party

Boro Connoisseur
"You have to pass a bill to find out what's in it",

You have to pass a bill to fnd out how hard it fucks the public.

Labeling Obama as anti-marijuana in an election year isn't very smart IMO. I don't know what Pelosi's thinking. It's not gonna convert any GOP voters, and some dumbass mj users are likely to vote for Romney without checking his stance-

“I believe marijuana should be illegal in our country. It is the pathway to drug usage by our society, which is a great scourge -- which is one of the great causes of crime in our cities, and I believe we are at a state where, of course, we are very concerned about people who are suffering, and there are various means of providing pain management.”
“People talk about medicinal marijuana. And you know, you hear that story that people who are sick need medicinal marijuana. But marijuana is the entry drug for people trying to get kids hooked on drugs. I don't want medicinal marijuana; there are synthetic forms of marijuana that are available for people who need it for prescription. Don't open the doorway to medicinal marijuana.”

I'm voting for Romney for two names Kagan & Sotomayor. I don't even want to think what would happen if the Commie in Chief has the chance to hammer another nail in the coffin containing American's Freedom vie another supreme court justice.
Tea Party,


Well-Known Member
Commie? Wait, I thought you guys thought he's a fascist.

A Communistic Fascist ? Now THERE's an oxymoron.

So let's see. Obama is turning America into a Socialist nation....or maybe it's a Communist nation. No wait, it's Fascist. Ah fuck it. Either way, it's apparently undermining the foundations of our republic and turning us into Russia.....or maybe it's China.......no wait......maybe it's Nazi Germany.

And you can't comprehend why people equate the Tea Party with fear mongering? :rolleyes:


Slightly Stoopid
[quote="lwien, post: 223673, member: 515"
A Communistic Fascist ? Now THERE's an oxymoron.




Herbal Alchemist
You have to pass a bill to fnd out how hard it fucks the public.

That is one of the most fucked up things I have ever heard. You talk just like a politician, always have as far as I have seen here. I think you would make a good politician.

Tea Party

Boro Connoisseur
Commie? Wait, I thought you guys thought he's a fascist.

A Communistic Fascist ? Now THERE's an oxymoron.

So let's see. Obama is turning America into a Socialist nation....or maybe it's a Communist nation. No wait, it's Fascist. Ah fuck it. Either way, it's apparently undermining the foundations of our republic and turning us into Russia.....or maybe it's China.......no wait......maybe it's Nazi Germany.

And you can't comprehend why people equate the Tea Party with fear mongering? :rolleyes:

Oh you want to cherry pick? do you really want me to pull up videos of the OWS comrades who don't even have the slightest, even misinformed view on what they are protesting?

socialism is to communism as HIV is to AIDS.
Tea Party,

Tea Party

Boro Connoisseur
I want the truth.

The government needs to cut their spending by 60%. You could take every dollar every person and corporation made and it wouldn't even cover half the deficit. Medicare alone is a 100+ trillion dollar under funded liability. NO amount of taxes will eve even that out. Government spending needs deep drastic cuts. Social welfare spending in all honesty needs to be done away with. It's nice but at this point the country is way past broke and are ability to afford feel good programs such as that went out the door a long, long time ago.

That doesn't even begin to scratch the surface
Tea Party,


Herbal Alchemist
The government needs to cut their spending by 60%. You could take every dollar every person and corporation made and it wouldn't even cover half the deficit. Medicare alone is a 100+ trillion dollar under funded liability. NO amount of taxes will eve even that out. Government spending needs deep drastic cuts. Social welfare spending in all honesty needs to be done away with. It's nice but at this point the country is way past broke and are ability to afford feel good programs such as that went out the door a long, long time ago.

That doesn't even begin to scratch the surface

You're not telling me anything I don't know, Tea Party. Do not insult my intelligence. In my previous post I was pointing out that I am no sheep, and can't stand sugar coating, like some people, but I believe you already knew that. You just wanted to copy only PART of my post. Check my quote. :)


....although pelosi has her own issues....2corrupt political parties, pretending that they "give a shit"... They don't....except for themselves...
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