What are the possible causes of throath irritation when vaping?

organic weed

Well-Known Member
I am sure this has been discussed extensively in FC in many threads, but maybe we can summarize some of the main ideas. The reasons for throat irritation are:

- Dry vapor. You can improve it by using a water tool
- Type of strain. Pay attention to the strians that irritates you the most and maybe avoid/not over use
- Vape T. The higher the T, the drier and harsher on the throat
- Type of cannabis. High grade cannabis is smoother -- well grown, organic, properly cured (not flushed coz proper organic weed should't need flushing)
- Aged cannabis. The older/more cured, the smoother
- Properly stored. Avoit high T, high UR and light
- Inner skin sensitivity/allergies. They can cause irritation

Have I forgot something here?

One point that I'd like to discuss is that the "type of strain" factor is influenced by the terpenes and flavinoids. Terpenes have different acidity level. If the smell is citrus/spicy, that means that it's a more acidic cannabis. Cannabis is actually an oil, and oil can also acify if they are not properly stored. So in addition to an acidic flavor/composituon, you can also have an acidic cannabis oil becaue it wasn't properly sotred. When you vape, the stemed oil hits your throath and irritated your throat somehow because it is an oil that can irritate a bit the mucus. Any thoghts on this theory?
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- the strength and length of your hits. e.g. sipping 4 short hits vs bong hitting one large hit with the same amount of vapor
- how much moisture the vapor contains. You can increase the moisture by vaping thru warm or hot water as that enables more moisture to be added. This vapor might be slightly warmer than thru cold water BUT makes up for that by the extra moisture, becomes less irritating.
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