Vietnam "shotgun" fun ( MJ related )


Well-Known Member
I can't fathom wanting to be stoned in a situation when my life was at risk. I mean, on one hand, I guess I can understand the desire to want to block out the horrors of war, but to me, getting stoned would amplify those horrors rather than making them tolerable. Never been in combat though, so maybe I'm totally off base here.


I'm El Diablo Baby!!!
If I was in their situation I would definitely be getting stoned. They were just sitting around waiting for something to happen trying not to think about all the incredibly fucked up shit they've seen. The real problem is all the junkies the vietnam war created. Smoking dope was nothing compared to all the junk those guys were shooting. I'd hate to think what else I'd be doing put in a terrible situation like that.
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