Syrian President's e-mail account hacked


Vapor Sloth
History is littered with callous dictators such as this. Freedom is the exception not the rule for humanity. I love how that one chick said "perception is reality" I remember that old saying from sales meetings way back . . . well the people of Syria perceive that they are protesting for their rights when in reality they are about to be shot in the head by their own military. The streets run deep with blood . . . chilling images . . . and what should be a wake up call for all of us. NDAA anyone? Remember Posse Comitatus? Is anyone concerned that it has been codified in law that America is now the battlefield and we are the enemy? The government is preparing thousands of drones, like the ones used in Pakistan and elsewhere, and getting flight permission from the FAA so they can fly these things and use them on us here. If there is civil emergency in this country I wouldn't put it past the administration to use the military on us now.

Edit: What happened to the "responsibility to protect" that everyone (the United Nations) was talking about when they were arguing to go into Libya? I guess the Syrian people don't have that particular benefit . . .


Well hey, he might be a mass-murdering tyrant, but at least he's no online pirate.
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