
Yep, I am getting my surgery tomorrow, and I am nervous as fuck. I am getting a discectomy which isn't major surgery, it is an out-patient surgery, but it is still making me nervous. The thought of someone slicing into my spine is not a pleasant one.
Who here has undergone surgery for chronic pain, and was equally anticipating and dreading the procedure? I can't wait to get even the slightest relief. I won't be able to sit down for more than an hour and a half a day, but I think that is definitely worth it. Even simple things like getting out of bed and tying my shoes will be different. I truly feel for those who are getting surgery for even more serious conditions. I couldn't imagine getting brain surgery, or open heart surgery. I would be nervous beyond all belief.
I hope to keep my mind off of the situation by burrowing even deeper into my music, and by building my pandora (slowly, and one step at a time). This forum should also keep me entertained. This is also the first time since I was 14 that I will be off of work for longer than a month. Expect to see me lots around here the next six weeks.
I am only 26, but I feel like an old man already. Someone reassure me that it does in fact get better after surgery. Or just tell your surgery tales to relax and enlighten (maybe even entertain) me. Thanks.
edited to add- doc says that walking is gonna be the best thing I can do the weeks following surgery. So I've already gotten a few friends to agree to be my walking buddies. This support is what I really think I need most of, and I am glad I'll be getting it. That makes me lucky in that regard, in my opinion.


Combustion free since '09
Hi Skeleton! I'm sorry you have to deal with such a surgery at a young age. I agree staying positive is the best thing you can do!!

It sounds like you're dealing with it very well and you know we'll be here if you need to vent!

Follow the docs advice best you can, if he says walk - you walk your happy ass around :D That LB will come in handy for walks.

I've had a few friends go in for back surgeries but I'm not up on the specifics. One thing I do know, be careful with those pain pills. I have lost more friends to pills than I care to count. If you find you need relief you might try a TENS/NEMS unit. My husband uses one and we've loaned it to friends, everyone that borrows it buys one soon after. I hope the surgery will make it so that isn't an issue but good info can't hurt.

I'll be thinking of you and hope to hear updates....since you'll have the time ;)

Not sure if you use the IRC here, I'm IRC challenged and keep meaning to but that might be a nice way to pass time too, chatting with other folks here. I shall try to jump in there myself in the next few weeks to maybe keep you company.

Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
They have come a long way since the days when they slapped an Ether mask on your face. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
I hope when its over you come back and say, hey it wasnt so bad! My next vape is in the hopes I see that post.

Best of luck and positive thoughts and vibes coming your way.


Well-Known Member
Best of luck with the surgery. The hardest part for me is the waiting for the day. Once you are in hospital, it all goes pretty quickly and often start an IV right away and offer something to calm the nerves. I have never had back surgery myself, but with a few friends who have gone through various disk repair I am always amazed how quickly and how completely they bounce back after surgery.

As for recovery, follow the doctors orders, push yourself but not to hard. A large part of recovery is employing the injured part enough to lightly stress it but not to strain it or re-injure it.


vapor accessory addict
Best of luck with your surgery tomorrow! I'm no stranger to chronic back and joint pain and have had several surgeries, although not for my back. My last major surgery was for a knee replacement. That was one of the hardest things I've gone through. My only advice is to listen to your therapists and do your exercises! For my knee, it was a situation of working through the pain to get better. It's amazing what your body will tolerate, so hang in there; it will be better in the long run and well worth the temporary discomfort.

It's only natural to be nervous. My blood pressure went through the roof prior to surgery. As soon as they gave me something through my iv, it was right back to normal. It's surreal; one minute you are looking at the bright lights of the surgery suite, the next minute, you are opening your eyes and it's over. I'm always amazed that it's over already; it doesn't seem possible. Then you're on your way home and ready to start recovery. Hopefully, you have someone to help you through this. Otherwise, get yourself to the store and get some supplies to hold you over.

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and waiting to see you post again. Try not to worry too much. :)


Well-Known Member
Give us daily updates when ya can. We'll be there with ya.

Just keep thinkin' the reason why you are having this surgery is to make things better than they were before. May take some of the edge off.

God speed..........Hear from ya soon.


Well-Known Member
GOod luck on your surgery youll be fine man. Ive had a few knee surgerys when I was younger. My Legs were crooked, I couldnt stand with my feet together. so they put large staples in my knees to straighen my legs out. Now I can run like the wind lol:D
Wow, thanks a lot for all the support y'all. It really means a lot that I can vent to and get support from my favorite place on the internet. My Mom is going to be helping me out a whole bunch the next week or so. She has been through the same kind of surgery lately, and I am glad that I have someone close to me that understands the pain. I felt like no one has believed me about my pain until I got my mri, and it is wonderful to be able to bitch to someone who's felt the same. It means a lot to have family supporting ya, too, I've finally realized. I've been a little hard headed lately, and have been telling everyone that I can do this mostly by myself, but recently I've realized the folly of that line of thinking.
It's funny you mentioned the tens/nems unit Lo. My mom has one and she loves it. She says that she'll let me borrow it, most definitely. Glad to hear that it works for a lot of people.
I am glad to hear I'm not the only one to have been nervous as all hell before surgery. I was told that if I am really nervous that they will give me something through my iv, much like it seems they did you Momofthegoons. Glad to hear that works as well.
I will be here to give updates so anyone who wants to know how I'm doing, will. And you're right, Tom, it's not like they're just slapping an ether mask on my face. Who knows how I would have been if I was born 200 years ago, and was having this problem. Lotsa morphine, or heroin, or something else bad for ya, I'm guessing, would be my drugs of choice.
I am also aware of the danger of pain pills. I've been on hydrocodone 7.5's lately, and I have taken as little as possible because of my concern over addiction. Vaping has helped tremendously in this department. And yes, Lo, that LB will come in great handy, when I start going on walks. For me, and my "walking buddies". Well, I will update you all as soon as I can, and it has been great hearing that I should bounce right back after surgery feeling better than ever. Thanks y'all. I mean it.
I am back from surgery, having my after surgery vape. Everything went well, details to follow after I get some rest. No leg pain, though, which is just fucking awesome. Just pain at the surgery location, but the pain pills should kick in soon. Thanks again for all the support you all.


vapor accessory addict
So good to hear that all is well. It's a relief when that pain is gone, isn't it? :D Rest up and don't over do it. I'm having a vape in celebration for you. ;)


Combustion free since '09
I'm so happy to hear you're through the surgery and doing okay. Keep us posted and of course follow your recovery instructions lol... Vape, relax, repeat :) oh and walking lol!
Well, I have to say that everything went better than expected. I arrived on time, and because I had vaped that morning, my stress levels were amazingly low. The nurses even commented on how polite, and full of humor I was. The most painful part of the whole procedure was the i.v. insertion. Even though the nurse said I had great veins, she still didn't have the steadiest hand in the world. Yep, gotta nice little bruise on my arm now. I was also outfitted with these "stockings" that make my legs look slender and sexy (lol), and also keep me from having blood clots.
I was then covered with a neat little paper blanket, that was hooked up to a convection heater that pumped hot air through the paper blanket. I felt like I was in a nice cozy This kept me warm until they took me back to the surgery room.
I was rolled in, and immediately had a good feeling that things were going to be o.k. The anesthesiologist hooked me up to the drugs, and then he flipped on the radio. R.E.M.'s "this one goes out to the one I love" song was playing, which I found was a perfect song to drift away to. He then said that I would soon feel very sleepy, and the last thing I remember saying was "Whoa, ho, ho, doc...I am feeling tingly all over", and that was lights out for me.
I woke up about an hour and a half later feeling remarkably coherent, though my eyes were blurry as fuck. I quickly asked how everything went to the nurse who was tending me, and she said everything went great. That was when I realized the pain running up and down my ass and leg was gone. It was replaced by a dull ache in my back, which in my opinion is far easier to deal with.
I had to drink some fluids, get up and walk, and take a piss before I had to leave. Within 15 minutes of waking up, I had done the first two, much to the surprise of my parents, who had just come in. The pissing was a whole other story. It was like I couldn't remember how, or couldn't control the muscles anymore. But, after 2 glasses of coca-cola, a cup of tea, and standing in front of the toilet with the sink faucet running for about 10 minutes, I finally went. Then they released me, and my parents drove me home.
Today, my back is crazy sore, and I am walking around taking little bitty baby steps, but I feel so much better as a whole. I hope that it stays that way for a while. The doc said this wouldn't be my last surgery, but I probably won't need another for a while. I am hoping at least 2 years.
I got to walk around last night, outside, and vape with my LB. It was a very calming walk. My WDZ, "Stumpy", has been by my side ever since I got back as well. Vaping is sooo awesome. Smoking would probably have me coughing enough to split my stitches, or coughing enough to hurt me, either one. Probably wouldn't do well for my healing as well.
I just want to say thanks again for all the support. this little community is awesome. If anyone here ever goes through the same thing I had to, or just surgery in general, and needs someone to talk to, then I will be there for them. My e-mail is always open. I hope I get better the next few weeks as quickly as I can, and I will be in here to update as I feel necessary. For now, I will be resting and posting in all the other interesting threads you all have to offer. See ya around. -Skel


vapor accessory addict
Oh SL, it sounds like your sciatic nerve was being compressed before. That is soooo painful. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I'm so glad you're feeling better and up and around. The more you move around the better. Your core muscles need to stay strong to support your spine and when you lay around they get weak really fast. I don't mean push yourself too hard, just don't be a slug. :) I would imagine you will probably start some form of physical therapy soon. I'm in aqua therapy right now and love it; maybe it would be something your doc would think was good for you. No stress on your joints/back, but resistance and support from the water. Plus, the therapy pool is heated so it's very soothing on sore muscles.

Keep up the good work and good spirits. ;)
Yup, momofthegoons, my sciatic nerve was barely visible in my mri. The disk was so herniated that you could only see one of the 4 nerves that go down your spinal chord in that disc's location. It wasn't even close to it's normal round shape. It was an irregular blob. And no, I wouldn't wish this kind of pain on anyone, either.
I should find out about what kind and when I start my physical therapy next week. That is when I talk to the dr.'s assistant and find out exactly what they had to do, and what I have to do to get it to heal the best.
I am walking around quite a bit, but I am not trying too much too soon like Tom said. I feel best walking, and I have been doing my fare share of lying around. So much effort to get in and out of bed though. Gotta plan out every move to get to the end position.
Yup, a friend of mine also called, and she said that it sounded like I was in pretty good spirits despite the whole "surgery thing". I told her that if I could't joke about it, then I'd probably never get better.
I forgot to mention, I had the most godawful cottonmouth after waking from surgery, on a level I don't think I've experienced before. They gave me some pretzels, and chewing them was like trying to eat doughy sawdust. It felt like half the coke I drank got absorbed in my mouth before it made it back to my throat. That shit was still going on a little today. Pot has never given me cottonmouth like this, ever. Drinking tea has helped so far.


vapor accessory addict
I'm no stranger to sciatica so I really feel for you.

Some of the meds they've got you on will dry your mouth out too. Keep hydrated; non caffeinated works best.

Great to hear you doing so well and staying so positive. You are right being positive and having a sense of humor is so important to staying well.


Combustion free since '09
Glad to hear you are keeping positive!! I hope you're recovery goes smoothly!!

Keep hydrated and rested....of course vaked too lol ;)
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