Successful Baking with ABV


Well-Known Member
alright so i've had great success reusing ABV via cooking or baking it, and observing that most of you seem to have had bad experiences with ABV (tastes bad, smells bad, bad high, etc), i decided to share my secret. although the last time i tried to share similar info with this community i was met with inexplicable hostility, hopefully this time it would be different. i'll dive right into it.

step 1: water cure. using a coffee grinder, grind up ABV into powder. place powder into coffee filter, staple coffee filter shut. immerse stapled ABV pack completely into water, a lot of water. i use like 1-2 gallons per 10-15g of bud. there is seriously no such thing as too much water in this case, because the more water the faster the nasty stuff is extracted out. change water every 24 hours, until the water no longer stinks or changes color. this typically will take 5-7 days, and it's the longest part of the process. once you reach this stage, then we go to...

step 2: gently press the ABV pack to wring out the water, what you should have remaining when you remove the coffee filter is a wet but not mushy brick. place this brick in a 2 cup sized Pyrex flask, along with butter. i typically use 15g of bud to half stick butter, sometimes more. place in oven at 225 degrees Fahrenheit, bake for 2 hours, stirring occasionally.

step 3: pour butter-ABV mixture through another coffee filter placed on top of a Pyrex flask. place Pyrex flask with the coffee filter and butter-ABV mixture still on top inside an oven at the same temperature. this is to prevent the butter from solidifying and preventing further filtration.

viola you now have clear, odorless, tasteless butter which if watercured well, should only be mildly discolored.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I've gotta try this ... seems like a great idea!
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