Solo or LSV for first vape?

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Out to lunch
Sorry underdog, but I'm not gonna play any Q&A games. If you want to think that I'm making up stuff because I have something against you, then you're free to think what you want, but it's not a legit topic of discussion. I stand by my posting history, and I've already posted my preferences/thoughts on construction materials. Every vaporizer gets torn apart eventually and inspected. We have quite a few interior pics here on the forum and that's going to continue. Every manufacturer should be prepared to have their design and construction inspected. In fact it may someday become mandatory.

You brought your vape to the forum a few months ago, obviously using glued exteriors on some units. That may not be an issue, but we see people looking for the safest technology all the time, with some questioning even metals and ceramic in the vapor path. You've already upgraded your design since you arrived, and I'd suggest moving forward in that direction. The vaporizer market is evolving and most every manufacturer has improved their product(s) over the years. Product improvement in many areas of technology is often mandatory for company survival.

This forum has also evolved and will continue to do so. In the future we intend to put more emphasis on safety and may well inspect every model that's granted its own thread. We may classify every vape according to design and construction materials, certainly including the vapor path and possibly the entire unit. If we were categorizing vapes today under those standards I feel safe in saying that your design would not fare well. You say that safety is #1 with you. I say that if that were true, IMO you'd be using no adhesives inside or out, in your products. Again that's just my opinion as a vape user. Buyers are going to make their own decisions and opinions will always differ. As a forum, we're not going to impose our own opinions and standards on buyers. But we are going to move toward providing more information about the design and construction of the vapes that we allow discussion/topics on, and in that area, as a forum admin, I'm involved in the decisions on how the forum is set up as well as its objectives.

As a manufacturer you get to post here and have the opportunity to boost your business by doing so. You also have more rules to abide by, as do all commercial posters. There are no other forums that allow commercial posting and advertising for free. While your questions in this thread are understandable, as a vape maker you're only allowed to post in threads like this if you're recommending a vape that you don't sell, or answering a question about your product that hasn't been answered correctly. In this case the original topic doesn't allow for any more posting along these lines- it's LSV vs. Solo. We've already gone far enough off topic.
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