Sis found out I vape cannabis.


Hey, so this isn't a going to be a thread about trying to hide my stuff. So I've been smoking for a couple months because of some migraines, but being a health nut I decided vaping was the way to go. However, I kept my cannabis use on the dl cause my parents and sister are both very conservative and I didn't want to start anything. However, my sister was looking through my things and found my vaporizer. She asked me what it was and i told her straight up that it was a vaporizer, that it helps me consume cannabis safely but as I figured she would, she went on a tirade about how its bad for me, how its addictive, even saying absurd things like how the cannabis was giving me the migraines... Obviously I'm fearful that she'll tell my parents but I'm more concerned on educating her on the effects of cannabis, that way if she knew she might be a lil more understanding. I've considered trying to get her to watch the Union since telling her facts wasn't calming her down. If anyone has had any experience in this particular matter that would be great. Ps my sister is 17 and she's always been the kind of bible toting kind of good girl.


Downward spiral
Be prepared that she might not change her views. Some people wont listen no matter how many facts you spew at her. If you cannot win her on facts and figures(the truth), I would lie and tell her you stopped.
Dont risk losing your relationship with her or your mom and dad. When I "came out" as a mj user, it caused some issues with a few members of my family that carry thru till today(many moons later). I wouldnt give up how I treat my pain or to relax(just like peeps do with a beer), but I would not tell my certain fam members now if I had it to do over. :2c:


thanks alot, that helps put my mind to ease. I was so worried about having her have to understand but i guess it's ok now.


Well-Known Member
I wish you luck, but that kind of people usually aren't easily convinced... there was a girl like that in my elementary class, I remember one time in the circle she told a story about a biblecamp where she always went too where there was a boy who listened to metal, they btied him up to his bed and prayed for him at his bed for multiple days untill 'the evil was driven out' and he burned all his metalshirts etc

I think you have to look at arguments that fit in her worldview. the union is nice, but as far as I remember it's reasoning is scientific. I don't know your sister, but if she is as religious as I think, that reasoning may not work since she is already used to only trust science selectively(like evolution)
I think in that case you may make a better impact with those biblequotes that could be interpretted as pro-cannabis, or maybe if she is american-conservative you could say that no matter if weed is harmfull or not, it's not the governments' job to interfere with your own judgement/decision.


Micro-Climate Mastermind

On those responses some people can eventually come around, some of my family has for my MMJ use. Yet there are some people who are just blinded by a stigma thats solely a product of the society they were raised in. I recently got in a debate on another forum with someone that said MMJ was a sham. It was so frustrating to counter every single argument with science and facts, and have every response be ignored or just responded with "drugs are bad mmmkay". Prepare to be possibly ridiculed and belittled, for example I was told anyone who uses MMJ operates on a sub intellectual level compared to the rest of society. In short man, good luck. Don't take everything she says to heart and give her time. She may not change her mind with the facts but through your actions changing her perception on the stigmas of cannabis and it's harms.
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