Saving my vapes whip?


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this gets asked a lot, I tried to search for it but came up with nothing....but anyways, a friend of mine last night pulled too slow on my SSV and caught the bowl on fire. First time this has happened too me, and I have no other tubing currently near me. Do I really have to throw out the tube and replace it to get rid of the smoke taste? Or is there some way I can make due with cleaning it until I have the funds/can procure a new replacement whip. I'm kind of a hypochondriac when it comes to this stuff so I worry that if i'm vaping with my smokey tasting whip that I'll somehow be inhaling smoke particles. Is there any merit or truth to this? Or is that just me being overly worried...


Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
If you can taste/smell it, then you would be inhaling some particles, but nothing that you would need to be worried about IMO.

I have always junked a whip if a combustion incident occurred, so I'm afraid I can't quite help with the cleaning tips.

It might taste a bit funky, but I wouldn't be too worried about the health ramifications.
Frederick McGuire,


vapor nerd
you could try dunking it and then give it a long dry with iso
edit: I bet those tubes are dishwasher safe too


Well-Known Member
You could also cut off a few inches of the tubing from the wand end.

Also, you could try using a Q-tip soaked in in dish soap to scrub the inside of the tubing then rinse thoroughly. I've also tried doing this with baking soda. I find it still smells afterward, but I don't detect any unpleasant taste.


Well-Known Member
I dunno if this will help you, but when I do clean whip tubing, I use a small piece of cotton soaked in ISO and push it through the whip with a straightened clothes hanger. I do that once or twice and then run a lot of hot water through it and let it dry.
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