Safest/Healthiest Portable Vape Money Can buy?

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
to me, the safest way to vape is with borosilicate glass - i.e. no plastic (teflon, silicon, etc ... food grade or otherwise) , and no metal (of any flavor), including no metal screens - in the air flow. And using electricity to create the heat - and again, the electronics is completely out of the airflow and not exposed to the vapor.

so i made a vape of my own design.
Hippie Dickie,


Well-Known Member
Iwien, I hope you are not belittling anyone but when you post like you did you have to accept that view. You start off by saying "There may be a bit of OCD playing out here, eh?" directed towards those who have have discussed the issue.

I dont really know how else how to take your post for which I am speaking on. It is belittling in by what I see beyond a doubt.

Lets let this go and keep the sissy drama stuff out of the forum.


Well-Known Member
Beezleb said:
Iwien, I hope you are not belittling anyone but when you post like you did you have to accept that view. You start off by saying "There may be a bit of OCD playing out here, eh?" directed towards those who have have discussed the issue.

I dont really know how else how to take your post for which I am speaking on. It is belittling in by what I see beyond a doubt.

Lets let this go and keep the sissy drama stuff out of the forum.
My OCD remark was a stab at some sarcastic humor, but obviously, it didn't go over that well with you. As a matter of fact, it was a bit of self deprecation there being that I have a bit of OCD myself, but whatever.............I agree.........let's keep this "sissy" drama out of the forum.

Back on topic....


Well-Known Member
Back on topic.

I don't think there is a 'safest vape'. I think there are vapes that try to be safe and those that don't.

I think the remark about the Big Macs, Large Fries, and Diet Coke is off the mark. And here is my reasoning.

If I go to McDonalds for lunch (I don't) I can go over on the side wall and look at the listings of Sodium, Saturated Fats, Carbs etc. If I choose Burger King I can do the same. Same for any modern American restaurant. If I want to compare, I can.

Lwien, you and I grew up in a time of no labeling of food. Now every pack of 'unhealthy' hot dogs, and every pack of 'healthy' Tofu has a label with the proper info. If I want to compare Campbell's soup to Progresso there is a standard by which to judge.

Not so with the vape world. Most mfgs. hide behind 'proprietary' knowledge and won't reveal their raw materials or it's sources. Where does that leave the consumer? Back where you and I grew up, with no information to make an informed decision from.

OCD? Are product labels only for us OCDers? Is the organic aisle, which grows every year, only for the OCD bunch? Are seat belts and helmets and condoms only for the 'crazy' set?

Sure some folks think they are, and disdain safety. I'm thinking the very young group of vaporists who might display 'happy meal' dolls along with their vape might feel a certain invulnerability. Or even a doom mentality, "Live fast, Die young.". Hey, that's the right of youth.

But as we get older and maybe a little wiser, the scene changes. Diet, exercise, healthy eating, become more important as we realize our imminent mortality.

I smoked cigarettes, I used 'dangerous' drugs, I rode without a helmet. I did some risky behaviors that I now consider insane. Things change. And healthy choices are now the norm for me.

But our question seems to be how to make a healthy choice. Campbell's or Progresso. Big Mac or Whopper? Hot dogs or tofu? At least you have some info to go on and lots of science to back that info up.

Back to vapes, what info is there? Very little.

Very few mfgs are going to invite you into their shop, or open their books and show their materials purchase records.

In another thread someone suggested that we have toxic chemicals in our homes and thought that made other healthy choices irrellevant. The difference is those bottles of 'toxins' are tools that are in clearly labeled packages with a specific use and directions. They are not being poured into my iced tea without my knowledge.

And maybe a vape out there has just a little 'bad' stuff in it. Maybe a little maybe a lot, it might depend on your point of view and how OCD you are. But without actual facts you cannot possibly make an informed decision. That bothers me.


Well-Known Member
Purple-Days said:
And maybe a vape out there has just a little 'bad' stuff in it. Maybe a little maybe a lot, it might depend on your point of view and how OCD you are. But without actual facts you cannot possibly make an informed decision. That bothers me.
Yeah, that bothers me too.
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