Running Vaped Flowers

Captain Comply

Wellness over intoxication
Hello all I am new to the forum and having a great time Learning bunch of new things. I am sorry if this seems like an ignorant question to the concentrate world but most of my experience is in water extraction. Has anyone ever run previously the ground up flowers that have been vaped through a BHO extraction. My waste as will call it can be revaped months later when I run out everything. I would consider smoking that over sugar trim as it has a higher percentage of active ingredient I believe. This is only based off of my own experiences and feelings. Love to hear back from some experienced people who ware pin on their hats. Love you life and be nice to others
Captain Comply,
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I am who I am and your approval isn't needed!
I've done a couple ABV BHO runs and personally disliked it due to the flavour and darkish runny finish I managed. Even with my ABV being lightly tan with still green bits (I'm all about the flavour & experience rather than 'just' effect).

It certainly did what it was supposed to do, but the 'over' earthy taste and runny finish (resembling biker oil), put me off. There's probably a way to clean it up, however, the process (for me) is at the peak of time/energy with my OCD that I'm able to devote to it. That, and I find in my later years and financial setting its not required any more to be so stringent in my intake.

Captain Comply

Wellness over intoxication
I've done a couple ABV BHO runs and personally disliked it due to the flavour and darkish runny finish I managed. Even with my ABV being lightly tan with still green bits (I'm all about the flavour & experience rather than 'just' effect).

It certainly did what it was supposed to do, but the 'over' earthy taste and runny finish (resembling biker oil), put me off. There's probably a way to clean it up, however, the process (for me) is at the peak of time/energy with my OCD that I'm able to devote to it. That, and I find in my later years and financial setting its not required any more to be so stringent in my intake.
Thank so much for your reply sounds about right. I guess I was just dreaming. I've tried almost everything with AVB and it all ends up sucking. Guess the best thing is to just feed the birds in my yard with it. I think I saw a squirrel meeting the dominos guy the other day.
Captain Comply,


I've always been curious about this as well, but never really figured it would be worth the cost of the butane. If you do attempt it, I would further polish the extract to try and refine it and remove that gross taste that smokum has described. Of course, this means you are not only possibly wasting butane, but also more time than you would if you were running dank nugs.

The time just really doesn't seem worth it, but it would be a great learning experience. will help you a bit.

I also really haven't found much use for my browns (ok I'll say AVB if I have too, but it just awful.) at this point I don't even know why I keep collecting them. :lol:


Thank so much for your reply sounds about right. I guess I was just dreaming. I've tried almost everything with AVB and it all ends up sucking. Guess the best thing is to just feed the birds in my yard with it. I think I saw a squirrel meeting the dominos guy the other day.

No, IMO the best thing to is would be to run butter/coconut oil through your ABV to make edibles.


I am who I am and your approval isn't needed!
yes, i do occasionally just eat it with peanut butter myself and get a good late night sleep ;)


You know, I'm probably in the minority here, but I ISO wash my vaped buds to get the remaining bits out. 99% and a short wash leaves me with some indica-heavy oil. It's not a lot and for most people it wouldn't be worth it, but I need to have something predominantly CBD that I can get a lot of in very quickly. Randomly waking up at 3 in the morning in a cold sweat, lips tingling, feeling like you're gonna throw up isn't fun. A couple dabs of it and I feel better.
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