RIP Ray Manzarek

There are many stoners all over the world who would have enjoyed Ray Manzarek and his contribution to The Doors as well as his many other artistic endeavours. I am definitely one of those stoners.

What else can be said really? Thanks for the music Ray.


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about Ray and his skills alot the last few weeks:(...sad news indeed.


Well-Known Member
The Doors was one of the first bands I ever really loved . In fact , my first album purchase ever was Morrison Hotel and Rush Moving Pictures . ( yes , albums , I'm that old ...) Years later it was Ray Manzarek that indirectly introduced me to punk , as the only reason I bought the first X album was that I'd read Manzarek produced them .
RIP Ray .


Rest in Peace

Instead of mourning in sadness, celebrate his contributions to Rock and Roll, and the world in general. Music is something that connects anybody anywhere, regardless of language...this man will forever be remembered as one of the greats!
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