Obi Wan Kenobi took the easy way out

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Well-Known Member
I believe Obi wan took the easy way out on so many things that his place as a top Jedi should be questioned.

1. Obi wan was tasked with looking after Luke until Luke was ready to begin training. He instead dumped Luke off at his aunt Beru house and went to chill in the desert. Keep in mind that this same aunt and uncle were murdered as a result. Thanks Ben

2. Instead of putting up a real fight with Vader, Ben chose to let Vader slash him in half. Obi wan said he would become more powerful than Vader could ever imagine. But why not fight? Maybe you kill Vader in the process. If you die then ok you become a force ghost but don't just give up damnit.

3. Couldn't Obi wan have begun Luke's training much earlier? Even yoda was like wtf this guy Luke is way too old to train. That falls back on Obi wan who was busy sniping womp rats and couldn't be bothered to train the poor kid.

I'm sure there are many more examples of this guy playing by his own rules. Let's remember him for what he was: a Great War general but a failure as a teacher and lazy old guy


Well-Known Member
I always took it as the Light side can never beat the dark side. Hence the peaceful rhetoric Yoda is always saying. The dark side is only defeated when Vader sees the error in his way and throws the Emperor down the pit. He didn't have it in him to watch his own son die. Evil can only be defeated by Evil people ceasing to do evil.
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