No Stove or Kitchen , what can i make ?


Well-Known Member
House was flooded , so it is going to be a bit before we have a stove or anything to heat something up. I have a nice jar of abv i have been saving. Can i mix this with some oil , shake well everyday and leave it in the jar for about a week or longer and than strain and use it ?


Well-Known Member
Some people on this forum just eat their ABV straight up, or sprinkle it directly on their food. :)

If you could get ahold of a slow cooker, microwave, toaster oven, hot plate, etc. it would vastly increase your options...
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Well-Known Member
I cant get a hold of anything right now for a bit. Also i don't like sprinkling my abv on anything as it has upset my stomach in the past . I would rather be able to strain it at some point before being ingested. Is there a way i can do this by not heating , like say mix with oil in a jar leave for 1-2 weeks , strain and use that oil for something ?


Way of the Mild
it seems the tincture method might be the best option for this situation
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