Losing consistency after oven purge

After the vac purge the final thing I do to my shatter is throw it in the oven on wax paper double on a Pyrex dish wrapped in aluminum. It goes in for 15 mins at 190 degrees. The wax prior to the oven is always very nice consistency but some batches come out great while others lose their consistency and come out gooey. Why is this?


Notmy Well-Known Member
Oven purge? I bet all your stuff comes out really dark!

Get yourself a pancake griddle, and a laser thermometer. Use a large sheet of parchment paper so you can lift the your oil off the griddle when it gets to hot.

Even a frying pan on the stove would be better!

Temp control is very, very, important. Ovens are nowhere near accurate enough for what you want. Even the griddle overshoots it's set temp by a lot, so that's why you need to lift the parchment paper up to ensure the temp of the oil stays where you want it
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