Long Rant about War on Drugs - should i refine and publish online?


Naruto Fan
Pervy Sage1 hour ago
I believe it would help to re-frame the issue. I believe it would help to understand ADHD, as it is mostly from our ADHD population we find our marijuana users. Most people just don’t care for it, and that’s fine with us, we’re not looking to increase our ranks, we just want to walk without fear for a lifestyle choice that somewhat matches our brain chemistry deficiency.
About ADHD:
People with ADHD are measurably deficient in dopamine.
To understand what dopamine feels like you need to look to the parts of your existence where you know you are connected, almost at a chemical level. One good example for many is prayer, or worship. The most common pathway for humans to experience dopamine is through successfull emotional bonding with others.
To understand ADHD it helps to understand some of the most current models, by understanding the model you learn it’s not exact, just reflective of the most current thinking. So, the first I’d draw your attention to was first put forth in a study that sought to show genetic cause and effect, but I believe we know now that genetics only plays a small effect, and that upbringing, specifically growing up in a household that does not understand the importance and so cannot pass on the trick of using dopamine, is the REWARD DEFICIENCY SYNDROME model, which means not only are they getting less dopamine, but the “withdrawal” effects of not having enough, cause them to seek addictive ways of supplementing the dopamine field in their brains, but the CONDITIONED ATTENTIONAL AVOIDANCE LOOP response model shows it wasn’t done to them, but was a natural response, but the response favored by a child. The Conditioned Attentional Avoidance Loop model says ADHD is an active filter, not a deficiency, not something crippling, not something you can see. But besides all of this it is important to understand that ADHD people form coping skills which enhance their cognitive abilities, and almost 17% of our country is afflicted with this emotional plight, and they deserve our respect and acceptance, and direction, because most don’t have this model of themselves in their heads, and the narratives which support these models do not exist on television, where, due to our learning disability (not being able to read, over my internal dialog) most people with ADHD gather to feel some sense of normalcy and connection – TV is the Matrix, and ADHD people are more suggestive, more willing to make political decisions based on advertising content, hell, I’ll say it, we’re (the Adult ADHD population of the United States) being used as the corporate swing-vote, because we’re addicted to TV.
17% is the actual percentage of people who may experience addiction if exposed to methamphetamine – the rest of the population has no need or desire for it, but to someone with ADHD it’s like the first thing in life that makes you feel loved. My past binges were more like spending the weekend with a partner, but I just couldn’t see it that way before.
Would you rather people on drugs, or people on pot, because for thousands of years humans have used pot, but it’s only in the past 50 it’s been illegal, and we, the USA, made everyone else on the UN sign into the agreeement that no one would legalize pot, so don’t worry, the USA will never legalize pot.
But it’s important for all the true believers in this system to understand that there once was Prohibition of Alcohol, and the aftermath made society understand it’s best not to repress this part of human nature, or else all forms of violence and criminal activity persist. The fact that they have so dominated the narrative around this in the press only shows how serious our federal revenuers are about chasing the alcohol tax.
Remember the 20/80 rule of alcohol, 20% of the population drink 80% of the alcohol, you understand the health risks associated with alcohol, well they’re nill with marijuana, but there is no real way to regulate it, so say goodbye to $86Billion dollars, taken off the backs of the poorest and most wretched of our population, the unenlightened – The DOT did a study of how Pot users drive, and found them safe after 30 minutes. You can’t say that about alcohol, and it doesn’t damage your liver.
So, don’t think we want your kids to get hooked on our pot, we well understand our limitations by society that we shouldn’t do it in public, or with groups of friends, but don’t call us names and punish us for what we are saddled with is a greater tragedy than most can imagine.
And, ponder with me how this re-frames religion and family values, at a chemical level, when people in any religion worship, their dopamine levels rise dramatically, lending creadence to the criminal who says he found God and that his or her behavior changed in a basic way – because his brain chemistry moved more towards the genetic norm. So perhaps every religion on earth has the express purpose of enabling men of limited means pathways to dopamine, and a sense of connection. And, this HUMAN REWARD SYSTEM, which genetically pushes us to form ever greater emotional bonds, encourages not only immediate family but also extended families, all seems to say a higher power was at work. So, if the way away from ADHD is by having emotionally calm and emotionally available adults to bond with, we want to encourage mothers and fathers spend time, and understand the importance of dopamine and emotional bonds, but our national airwaves seem to have become high-jacked by the rich, and again these narratives are not supported by the media. Studies going back twenty years, and very limited air-play.
Not unjust imprisonment? Being Gay was against the law until recently, do you think of us so differently, just because we are less aware than they are?
Do you think it was “important” that don’t ask, don’t tell was in place, just to make everyone feel uneasy about themselves, so some mis-informed intolerant people could feel better? We don’t deserve to be singled out for our affliction, period, unless we do harm to others or ourselves.
Understand the source of your beliefs, as a culture we have embraced the narratives around drug dealers, even tho we know now drug dealers don’t cause drug addiction, they’re just a low margin local source, so they don’t deserve to be punished either.
go after the bad guys already, the Pablo Escobars, not the wretched drug user who only wants to relieve their psychological pain load, or supplement their dopamine and feel some love.
Marijuana is the less dangerous choice for self-medicating for the reasons i have described. I read a study published in the early 1900′s by a current member of big-pharma, describing how various amounts of cannabis extract were injected into dogs to find the toxicity level…they eventually, for lack of desired results (death) injected a full syringe into the neck of a german shepard, and it went to sleep for two days, then was fine.
Now our federal government has taken out a patent for cannibinoids in the treatment of oxidative diseases (cancer), and we see “run from the cure” explaining how using large amounts of cannabis oil can sure stage 4 cancers (ramping up to a gram a day then holding that dosage for 60-90 days). So, there is certainly an awareness of it’s abilities medically, but still they refuse to reschedule it. Something fishy? Look at the industries which originally lobbied for it’s prohibition, they’re the same industries that lobbied hard against Prop 19 in California. Business interested rule this discussion and no others can even buy their way in to the conversation, with media outlets regularly refusing to sell advertising time to legalization efforts.
Just because you don’t consider it your personal methadone, that last thing that keeps you from relapsing, don’t spit in my direction, please, I get enough negative thoughts about myself from myself, all day and night, but hopefully this info helps re-frame the issue for you, please share it.
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