Liver damage from edibles?


Well-Known Member
I prefer edibles over smoking and vaping. Just want to make sure I will not damage my liver in the long run. Anyone here can shed some light on this subject?

I would imagine edibles puts more stress to your liver than smoking??


Well-Known Member
Good question. How much stress does it put on your liver to process THC? I have no idea.
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Well-Known Member
I'd be interested in hearing more study wise, but I am gonna say I doubt very much you would have long term health issues. It's been consumed by man for a long time...and of all the reasons the gov tries to convince you not to use, I have never heard liver mentioned.

That being said, I am sure if your liver is already compromised you may want to consult your doc. Otherwise, I am sure it is alot easier on your liver than most prescription meds.

Edit: And for the record, I would rather eat herb than take a tylenol any day...that shit will kill your liver.


Well-Known Member
Edibles pretty much solve my severe ADD for up to 10 hours a day/

I plan to sit with gastroenterologist in 2 weeks to go over all this. I have severe ADD and adderral and ritalin made me feel like shit and would never think about taking it again, ever.

I'm a fucking programming workhorse with lite edibles. Vaping is great but not an option at my office.


New Member
It is beneficial. It regulates the entire digestive system. List January 2013.pdf

The endocannabinoid system in chronic liver disease (full

(Marijuana/Hash) Endocannabinoids and liver disease
review (full 2005)

Endocannabinoid activation at hepatic CB1 receptors stimulates fatty acid synthesis and
contributes to diet induced obesity
(full 2005)

Roles of anandamide in the hepatic microcirculation in cirrhotic rats
(full 2005)

The Ffa Receptor Gpr40 Links Hyperinsulinemia, Hepatic Steatosis, and Impaired Glucose Homeostasis in Mouse.
(abst 2005)

Antifibrogenic role of the cannabinoid receptor CB2 in the liver.
(abst 2005)

CB2 receptors as new therapeutic targets for liver diseases (full 2007)

Cannabinoid-2 receptor agonist HU-308 protects against hepatic ischemia/reperfusion
injury by attenuating oxidativestress, inflammatory response, and apoptosis
(full 2007)

Cannabinoids ameliorate cerebral dysfunction following liver failure via AMP-activatedprotein kinase
(full 2007)

Endocannabinoids acting at CB1 receptors mediate the cardiac contractile dysfunction invivo in cirrhotic rats
(full 2007)

Pivotal Advance: Cannabinoid-2 receptor agonist HU-308 protects against hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury by attenuating oxidative stress, inflammatory response, and apoptosis (full 2007)

Anandamide inhibits cholangiocyte hyperplastic proliferation via activation of
thioredoxin 1/redox factor 1 and AP-1 activation (full 2007)

Cannabinoid-2 receptor mediates protection against hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury
(full 2007)

Cannabinoid receptors as new targets of antifibrosing strategies during chronic liver
diseases. (abst 2007)


That's just a few out of pages of info on the liver and cannabis haha.. read up! It is organic medicine. Safe!
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