Just Got My Vape, Need Help

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Well-Known Member

just got my vape a couple of days ago. Its one of those vaporite solos and i am not sure if i am getting enough out of it. First of all i scortch my herbs under 300, the whip is very short and cheap (rubber burning smell when opperated), and i dont even seem to be vaping...

How do i get the most out of my vape? and when it comes time, how do i change the screen in the whip?
Not a Vaporite Solo owner. Sorry Big Matt.
I would suggest you return the product under the warranty (citing the herb is combusted by the vaporiser - so it is not fit for purpose; or the rubber whip is defective).
If you are successful in having your money back, then you can buy a different vaporiser which has popular following amongst people on this website. I researched through the 'Vaporiser Discussion' forums to find out exactly how a given vaporiser works before buying one.


Proud MMJ Patient
Sorry to be the barer of bad news, but what you have is a very cheaply made Chinese manufactured 'vaporizer'. These types of 'box vapes' are branded with a huge number of random names. The only box vape I have used and was satisfied with was the original Vapor Bros. vaporizer. Infact, the Chinese vapes were a lame attempt at knocking off the vapor bros. unit. The components used in your vape are probably not safe for you to be inhaling on a regular basis. There is a low probability to get your vape to work correctly. Chances are your temperatures are way off and the heater probably can't supply very constant heat either.

However, start low and work your way up. You herbs should turn yellowish then brownish. Black/Gray(ash) is too far. Inhale at a low to medium pace nice and slowly. Also..you need the FINEST grind possible (just above sand) in your herbs. Also, the drier the herb, the better results you will get.

Good luck.



Naruto Fan
have you tried turning it down, and then slowly turning it up? what happens?

i had a cheap homemade vape, worked differently, but had to baby and tease each hit until it was ready, so I tend to think you can get this to work if you play with temperature and draw rates

i'm much happier with my Hakko tho, see the homemade thread for info if you're on a budget, and/or just cannot get it to work.

i wish i had bought a temperature controlled hakko, but mine's ok, just gangly
Vapemania is right: If you bought it from a retailer who will do you justice, return it. Basically any online retailer will replace or refund you if you tell them what you've told us, just throw in the fact that you're probably piss off, too. There are many inexpensive, wonderful vaporizers which you could have for what you probably paid for this, a cheap, likely unsafe China box-vape.

Return it and consider a MFLB, vaporgenie, Extreme, DBV, Vapobowl or the like.


Out to lunch
Although Vaporite is in the cheap digital category (think inaccurate display and iffy reliability and performance), a lot of people have gotten good service from them. Don't worry about the display number being off, just use it as a reference and go by 'getting vapor or not' and the color of your remains, in order to zero in on the right temp range. You may want to check out youtube for some helpful vids. There are a ton of 'em on box vapes, and several on the Vaporite Solo. And this is a good starter vid, with some overall helpful info. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9luNVYlT_E

It's easy to tell someone they have a crappy vape, and to just return it or junk it and buy a good brand name, but sometimes that's easier said than done, and I well remember my own sticker shock years ago, when I felt like paying $80 for a vape was too much. Let's try to do a better job of helping newbies get some decent vapor out of their original purchase. Hopefully they'll want to upgrade, but if they're asking for help with their current model, we should offer help with that one, and suggest some tips for someone new to vaping, and not just assume their low end vape is defective and they won't get any use out of it.


Vapor Dog
Word. I myseld has a shitty box vape from china for a short time. I was able to get sweet ass rips from it, just had to keep the temp below "360" or else it would combust. Just fiddle with the dial until its not burning. If that wont happen, then ya, its shot. Try it through a bong too, i loved doing that with my china box.


Technical Skeptical
max said:
and I well remember my own sticker shock years ago, when I felt like paying $80 for a vape was too much.
honestly it doesn't cost alot for an effective device, my favorite vape is my glass straw i got for free.


Lost in Thought
The biggest thing is you have to play with it. I finally had the (dis)pleasure of trying my buddys $50 el cheapo. It too had a learning curve (much different than my SSV) and I found that it combusted rather easily.


Well-Known Member
You guys realize that the OP posted like two years ago right ??...

Vapemania, you grave digger :cool:
You noticed the date Raf007!!!!! Cool dude!!

Even so, simply can't understand why people buy box vapes nowadays.

Max sent in the best post tho. Word.


Well-Known Member
@AGBeer : apparently it was on purpice....:D

@Vapemania: Me neither, although I'm almost sure there exist some honorable box vapes.
Sorry to have noticed the date "dude"... word.
Raf007, you've ordered the VXC?

That's great.
Seen the youtube vid's and it looks... shockingly insane!!!!

The glassworks make it look like it's some big old bong - but it's not, it's a vaporiser!!! Woo-hooo.
The glass isn't as elegant as 7th Floor products, but hey it'll take at least 3 or 4 kicks before it breaks.

The main thing about it is the plastic vaporiser section. Just a shame no one knows how it works.

I would pre-order one, but I've got no money since I recently bought a beach house in Japan.
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