Is vriptech the only heatwand type vape out there?

the electrician

Well-Known Member
the herborizer (which has its own thread) and the verdamper (which doesnt to my knowledge) are two i know of. i use the extreme in an unconventional way personally and it is amazing
the electrician,


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about selling my extreme Q to buy a heatwand setup. Mostly because i primarily enjoy using a bong. Not that I couldn't use my Q with a bong, I just feel like the 3 foot tube is hindering the experience and I'm hesitant to hold my extreme upside down as i tend to break things.


Well-Known Member
Is there a safe way to use the extreme like this? I tried a couple of times loading the downstem of my bong and then carefully sliding the heating part of the extreme into it. It worked great but I know if I continue to do this I will eventually break it as i break everything.
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